Abortion Poem

Poem About Regretting Abortion

I wrote this poem after I became a Christian and felt that I had to deal with an abortion that I had as a teenager.

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Christina I feel the same way. This anger and bitterness that resides within me hasn't gone away. I'm doing a bible study called forgiven and set free that is truly helping me. I pray and...

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My Sweet Wonderful Child

© more by Debbie Leads

Published by Family Friend Poems December 2007 with permission of the Author.

My sweet, wonderful child

What color were your hair and eyes?
How soft was your face?
I think that you're the best there is
I'm sure you think I'm a disgrace.

Would you have loved like your grandma?
Caring, Selfless, not like me?
Would you have been a happy child?
Would science have been your hobby?

I don't have words to tell you how sorry I am
And how I wish I could change what I did
At the time I didn't know the ramifications
At the time I was just a kid.

I have never felt so sorry and helpless
Regret is all I feel
I can't put you back together
And allow you to heal.

What were you doing in me
When your last heartbeat came?
You were 100% dependent on me
And I put out your flame.

If I could trade places with you
I would do it in a second
But at this point you might be lucky one
Because with God you are present.

I will never be able to think of you
Without sorrow in my heart
But deep down inside
We have never been apart.

Jesus Christ has shown me
That even though what I did wasn't right
I can still receive forgiveness
And end my innermost fight

I don't know if you will ever forgive me
All I can do is wait and see
For the moment that my Earthly life ends
And you will finally see me

Are you going to approach me with gladness?
Or will hate be in your heart?
I would not blame you
If you had no forgiveness to impart

I hope that since God has forgiven me
You can do it, too
Forgiving myself as been tough, as well
The toughest thing I ever did do.

I look forward to the day
When Jesus and my family will be together
We will laugh and sing and jump for joy
Because we will all be in heaven


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  • Saki by Saki
  • 11 years ago

Hilda, why don't you adopt?
I am not really religious in anyway, I do not believe in any lord, or god.
But don't judge me for that, for I believe the god you believe in WOULD want you to help a child that was given a chance and not aborted.
I think you should truly adopt a child and I swear you will love them more then your own.
I feel bad for your previous child you aborted as well, but keep strong.

  • Vix by Vix
  • 11 years ago

I can relate to how your feeling. I was 19 when I got pregnant I found out at 12 weeks, at 13 weeks I almost died. I had no choice but to abort my baby since I already had a 2 year old I had to make the hardest decision of my life that day and still 4 years later I can't get over it I think about my baby everyday and hope that he/she forgives me. Know that my children are my greatest achievements in my life and I know god will help me through my sadness x

  • Hilda by Hilda
  • 12 years ago

At the age of 21 I had an abortion because of certain reasons and now I think about it every day, I want a baby so badly and I'm not getting one, I'm 24 and desperately need a child and now I'm starting to think I won't be able to conceive because of what I did in the Past. I know God has forgiven me and I have forgiven myself as well but I always think maybe that was my 1st and last child. I'm so scared I always pray to God to give me a chance to be a mother.

  • Stacey by Stacey, Chicago
  • 12 years ago

This poem describes exactly how I feel. Word by word. The decision wasn't entirely mine. My parents pressured me and didn't leave me with a choice. I'm 19 yrs old and I still cant make my own decisions. Even though this wasn't planned I would have loved to keep it. I knew I wouldn't last too long with the guy but it didn't matter to me. I loved my baby so much and would have given it anything and everything. its been 3 months and I think about my baby everyday. I regret my decision and shouldn't have been so scared of my parents. and now I live with this guilt for the rest of my life.

  • Christina by Christina, Chicago IL
  • 14 years ago

I had an abortion at the age of 14. At the time I really didn't know what I was doing. It was my parents idea but I still felt wrong. The morning of my appointment I begged and pleaded with my parents. They talked me into going. I will never forget the disgust and hatred I felt for myself as I sat in the waiting room. I got to see my beautiful baby on an ultra sound for the first time right before the procedure. He/she was kicking and moving and had a strong heart beat. After it was over I have never been the same. I have a lot of anger and sadness for myself. I just want my precious little angel to know that I love you so much and if I could go back and change the decision I would. I am now a mother of a beautiful 5 year old and I'm currently pregnant with my second daughter. Not a day goes by without me thinking of you. You will forever be in my heart. Everynight your sister and I pray too you. We love you baby.

  • Yvette by Yvette, Ca
  • 9 years ago

Christina I feel the same way. This anger and bitterness that resides within me hasn't gone away. I'm doing a bible study called forgiven and set free that is truly helping me. I pray and hope that God heals your heart as He's healing mine. I really hope I haven't offended you by speaking of God or His forgiveness but know that I am here for you praying for all the women who have gone through this horrible experience as I have.

  • Jessica by Jessica, Queensland
  • 14 years ago

that is exactly how I feel I still cant shake the fact that I did abort my child but I will always love them. so thank you for this poem

  • Manda Jean by Manda Jean
  • 15 years ago

My name is Manda and I'm 17 years old. Almost three weeks ago when I was 11 weeks pregnant I decided to have an abortion. I was told that my baby had a very high risk of having extreme birth defects that would effect its heart, lungs, and brain due to the medications that I was on. I wanted so badly, more than anything in this world, for my perfect little baby to be healthy and have a good chance at life but it didn't seem possible. I couldn't risk bring my baby into this world for it to suffer like it would have. I can relate to you and your poem so much. Every day I think about what my baby would have been like and how amazing it would have felt to hold and kiss and protect my baby. When I was pregnant I wasn't alone. I had my beautiful angel with me but now when I lay down at night I am alone and feel empty. You have incredible strength and hope someday I can some how forgive myself for what I've done.

  • Bobbie by Bobbie
  • 15 years ago

I have not had an abortion and do not presume to understand what you're going through. I am a Christian and cast no stones but rather words of love and encouragement. We ALL make mistakes daily and thank GOD that He forgives us when we ask. I know that God and His angels are holding your baby and taking care of him/her while waiting for you. Lean on God and He will see you through. Ephes. 4:32 (KJV)

  • Brooke by Brooke
  • 15 years ago

This poem is pretty much exactly how I feel. I had an abortion 6 years ago and I was not a Christian. I am still struggling with the forgiving myself part but I know that God has. I wish I could take what I did back but I can't. I wish I would have let myself love that child or give someone who wanted that baby a chance to be a parent but I can't take back what I did. I have had to learn to live with it and get through it just like you and my only comfort has been through Jesus. I wouldn't be here right now if it wasn't for him. I tried to take my own life twice because of the abortion but I found forgiveness and now I get the awesome privilege of being a mother to twins now. I will look forward and dread the day I will be reunited with my baby because I am so ashamed of what I did I am scared to face the baby but I want to meet my angel so bad. I know how you feel just keep relying on Jesus he will get you through.

  • frankie simmons by frankie simmons
  • 16 years ago

I don't understand how a mother would kill her child... you know instead of killing someone... you could save many lives by letting other adults adopt your children because maybe they can't have kids that is better than wasting a life and you will love that child and you will think of where it is and if it is safe... but you did the best thing you could

  • 16 years ago

I was one of those girl....

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