Death Of Partner Poem

A Letter From The Dying: Poem About Love And Loss

This poem is more like a letter from whomever is dying to the lover they are leaving.

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Promise Me

© more by Morgan Gregg

Published by Family Friend Poems April 19, 2023 with permission of the Author.

I wish I could stay
here with you
until our hair turns grey.

But unfortunately,
as you can see,
our story's not ending that way.

The love we shared,
the memories we made,
they will stay with me forever.

The laughs we had,
the kisses we gave,
the moments we were together.

I know I'm leaving,
I know I'll be gone,
I know you'll be in pain.

But you need to make
a promise to me
that you'll keep every day.

Smile and laugh,
head held high,
be everything you are.

Find a new love,
get married, have kids,
have the life you saw in your heart.

Grow old and grey,
think back on your life,
on all of the things that you got to do.

And when you're ready,
when it's time to let go,
I'll be waiting here to see you.


more by Morgan Gregg

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