Abortion Poem

Poem About Abortion

I had an abortion, and I am 16. The dad was 20. He did not want to know really.

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I am so happy to read this response. I am also a woman who suffers from guilt about having an abortion at 16. At the time I honestly thought I made the right decision and have realized since...

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Hush, Little Baby


Published by Family Friend Poems August 2008 with permission of the Author.

Hush, little baby, don't say a word.
Mummy's sorry she's so scared.
Hush, little baby, got nowhere to live.
Hush, little baby, got nothing to give.
Hush, little baby, don't kick up a fuss.
It's just not the right time for us.
Mummy's too young; it's better this way.
It's too hard to let you stay.
You're so young.
Mummy doesn't have time to try.
Daddy says he don't want another kid yet,
He's back with his ex.
It's for the best.
Hush, little baby, can't buy you a thing.
And daddy bought her an engagement ring.
Hush, little baby, I just want to forget
About that little baby I got but did not get.


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  • Joseph C. Taylor by Joseph C. Taylor
  • 8 years ago

This makes me so sad. People get so mad at young women for fooling around when all they're looking for is acceptance and love. It is really sad. I wish people would be more accepting of young women who fall into this situation. Even if it is their fault, people should support the young mother as she tries to do what's right.

I wish abortion wasn't a thing, it really ruins the woman. I know some women who have gone through this and they all regret doing it. I wish there was more love in the world; then women would feel better about themselves and not want to go in to promiscuous relationships that will cause grief and heartache in the end. People need the love of Christ in their lives, and when there is a lacking of it, people make decisions they will regret. I hope and pray that any young mother reading this decides against abortion. Many great leaders came from very poor families or were "accidents." Adoption is not as bad as they say. My God's love be upon all who read this. :)

  • Daniella Hamilton by Daniella Hamilton
  • 7 years ago

I am 16 years old, and I am currently 2 months pregnant, and I am from the Caribbean. I attend a very prestigious and high achieving school. I didn't want to throw away my education, but my boyfriend of 2 years said no to abortion because he believes it is murder and that God is increasing our blessings. I contemplated abortion without telling him then lying to him saying it was a miscarriage, but I came here, thankfully. I just want to say thank you all for helping to point me in the right direction and to stop me from making a big mistake. I am keeping my baby thanks to all of you. Thank you soo much!

  • Sara by Sara
  • 8 years ago

I had an abortion when I was 16. I didn't want to and was too cowardly to speak up and have my baby. I am 35 now and have lived with deep sadness for so many years. I don't judge anyone who makes this choice but it is so sad when the 'choice' was not what we know in our hearts to be right. I grapple for forgiveness all the time. I barely function properly. I hope my baby can forgive me. I am always so sad. Considering the pain I have lived with it would have been so much easier to have the baby. If anyone else out there is suffering guilt and regret from an abortion please know that you are not alone. Thank you to the person who wrote that Doreen Virtue believes our babies are with us in Spirit. Love to all and blessings to everyone whatever decision you make, I love you all

  • Kelly by Kelly
  • 7 years ago

I am so happy to read this response. I am also a woman who suffers from guilt about having an abortion at 16. At the time I honestly thought I made the right decision and have realized since that I feel nothing but guilt and anger (towards myself). It's been 7 years, and I am now seeking therapy to get through the emotional pain that wears on me every day. I mean that literally as I have reminders on my body. Three tattoos, my new engagement ring, and I have White Lilies all over the house. White Calla Lily because in my mind, it was a girl and I would have named her Lillian Marie. When I first found out I was pregnant, I was equally excited as scared. In the end, it was my family who made the decision for me. I have always been vulnerable and easy to push over, so I let it happen then.

As for this poem, it is beautiful. YOU are beautiful and so strong. Keep being the best you can be, but only do it for YOU because at the end of the day, that's all the support you will ever need.

  • UrAmigoShego by UrAmigoShego, Chicago, IL
  • 8 years ago

I remember when I was 16 and I started having sex and abortion was the scariest thing to even imagine back then for me and still is at 19. I had a pregnancy scare before but I will never know the pain of having to make this decision. I am glad you listened to your heart and what your path was leading you to do. I was never someone who believed in aborting a child until I had my first scare. I hope all is well with you and I hope you are blessed with a little angel when the time is surely right.

  • Faith by Faith, Illinois
  • 12 years ago

I was 14 and the dad was 17 and he was my baby and then he got back with his ex and got married to his ex so then I decided to have an abortion and that really really hurt me because I really wanted to keep the baby

  • Daria by Daria, Brisbane
  • 9 years ago

Faith I feel your pain, Although this poem and these comments written back to you about how wrong you were and how bad your decision was, I was in a similar situation at a young age also when I had to have an abortion. Sometimes it's what is best for ourselves regardless of whether it's our fault or not. It's our life and our decision and sometimes people don't realize how hard these types of decisions really are and how they affect us, instead they just assume we were being selfish and just 'didn't want it'. I had to have one because I was not in the right state of mind, I would not have been able to support the child and myself let alone have any support of my own, as well as the father not wanting anything to do with me afterwards and who also couldn't be bothered to come with me and because I was extremely unstable. It's an extremely hard decision to make but sometimes it's for the best. So if you read this just know I feel ya girlfriend and know how you feel.

  • Amy Jones by Amy Jones
  • 13 years ago

I know it is hard in that kind of condition, but what you did is wrong, I'm sorry to judge on your point of view, but deep down in your heart. I know you don't want to go this way, you want the child, the baby's smile is the best thing you can get in this world. If you didn't want to have the child, you shouldn't aborted it, you can sign her / him up for adoption. You have no right to kill the baby when they still growing in your womb. hey! I know even if I say this to you now, it doesn't change a thing, you already aborted the baby, but there is a God who can get you through this. He will guide you the right way to have this baby, even you did kill the baby he will forgive your action, but you need to remember, you need to think this through if the next time happens, don't make the bad decision, make the right, don't abort the baby when they can't think for themselves. I know is tough, I wish I could be there for you and guide you the right way like God would do the same. I will pray for you, I'm sure the baby and God will forgive you.

  • Mackenzie by Mackenzie, Maine
  • 13 years ago

I respect your decision but you could have just had the baby be adopted... If you gave the baby up just because your "man" left you, think, this means you're dependent on him.

  • Talaya by Talaya, California
  • 13 years ago

I saw this poem and read it, and it deeply upset me. This is very selfish thinking...whether or not she had relationship problems, its really not fair to take the baby's life out of anger [which clearly she has a lot of] Even if she can't provide for the baby, abortion is never the answer. There are tons of mothers and fathers who want a baby more than anything and will love that child with every fiber of their being. That baby had a right to live. And Jo, I feel bad for you because your way of thinking is completely tainted, or so it sounds. Adoption? you wouldn't consider the possibility of someone else loving/ raising your baby [which believe it or not there are great people the baby could go to as well] but killing your baby seems right? You make no sense...ONE WOMAN'S TRASH COULD'VE BEEN ANOTHER WOMAN'S TREASURE. that she will never get to experience because people think that killing their babies are the right answer. It's just sad...there is NO excuse for abortion....nor is it right.

  • Jo by Jo
  • 13 years ago

This poem is so sweet and so sad. I had an abortion at the age of 18. I can strongly say that is was the best option for me and the baby. The father cheated on me and left me for somebody else when he found out I was pregnant. He then proceeded in getting her pregnant, and she kept the baby. He doesn't help her out at all. I am relieved, because I would have never been able to cope. I had nowhere to live and no family or friends to support me. It would have been cruel to keep the baby. I think people forget that it's not selfish or murder. It's actually sometimes the most important, necessary, sensible, kind thing to do for yourself and the baby. It's very, very sad when you don't really want to get rid of a baby... and I was traumatized. But in the long run, I know full-well that if I hadn't, I would be in big trouble now.

  • Hailey by Hailey, Michigan
  • 13 years ago

I'm 18 years old and am 6 weeks pregnant, I have no job and no money and the father scares the hell out of me! I am considering abortion even though I would be a murderer I still love that baby with everything I have I could never give a baby up for adoption not knowing where they would end up and not knowing how he or she was raised! I feel like it's hard to make this choice but I can't provide this baby with the life it needs and I'm scared to death no matter what happens the baby will always be loved and I am Christian and I know it's not right to kill the baby but at the same time is it right to bring a small innocent child into a cruel world where it could be beaten hurt or neglected by the adopted parents ?

  • Katherine by Katherine
  • 13 years ago

When I was only 12 my boyfriend and I got really high and drunk it was a month after my brother died who raped me for 4 yrs. we had sex. I had to get an abortion the baby was so small and blood I held it for what seemed like hours but it was only seconds. I never forgot how cold and bloody she/he was....

  • Kylee Oakville by Kylee Oakville
  • 13 years ago

This is a really good poem I read it right before I went in for mine and I made me cry but I didn't want me baby growing up with a father that didn't want it and grandparents that didn't want it around and I'm 18 and I didn't want it to have a baby grow up with a father that abused his mother. It was the best decision a hard one and I was on birth control when I got pregnant... My baby would have only suffered if I didn't do what I did and I suffered enough in my childhood I didn't want the same thing for my little one

  • Ellie by Ellie
  • 14 years ago

My name is Ellie and I'm 14 years old and 29 weeks pregnant and I knew abortion was wrong and it never even crossed my mind to think about it. This poem is really sad to think that a lot of girls/women could consider to get an abortion. When I first got pregnant I didn't have a care in the world but when you actually realize and think that you're actually pregnant it's like starting a new life but you're actually giving a little person inside of you.

  • Shasheena by Shasheena, Canada
  • 14 years ago

I really do like this poem, I don't believe in abortion, If you ever find yourself in this situation and you think that you can't provide for your unborn baby or you have nothing to give then you don't know yourself, you have the 2 greatest gift to offer and that is LOVE AND LIFE that only you can give...

  • Jaycee by Jaycee
  • 8 years ago

I feel the same way. What I want to know is why they would ever want that. I mean not giving birth to a child is wrong. Even if you aren't having the life you wanted doesn't mean you should take away a child's life.

  • Angie by Angie
  • 15 years ago

This girl was right, she could not care for her child. But someone else wanted to...
If you are young and pregnant, please remember, you don't have to provide everything for this child. If you can give this child 9 months of your life, someone else would be overjoyed to give him or her the rest.

  • Ashley by Ashley
  • 15 years ago

I'm a Christian and I wont judge someone its not my place. I found out on my 16th birthday that I was pregnant. I embraced it, Even when I was 4 months pregnant and I found out that I had a serious heart defect, the doctor told me I needed to abort or else the baby or me and the baby would end up dying but I couldn't. My daughter is almost 4 years old now. I think about what that doctor said to me everyday I couldn't imagine my life without her. I'm now 20 years old I have my daughter and I also have a son now and yes I did have to put my plans on hold for a little while but I graduated, got my diploma and now I'm in college and I'm Majoring in nursing. So I guess my advice is if you have the choice Keep the baby I promise if you work hard at it you can still accomplish your goals in life. and I believe that you will have more guilt about Killing your baby then you would by giving it up for adoption and giving it a GREAT life that you may not be able to.

  • maddie by maddie
  • 15 years ago

I love this poem I was reading it and I thought about my friend that almost had an abortion. Reading things like this make me thankful for my mom and dads because there are babies that never get to meet their parents because they aren't even capable of knowing that this is their mommy carying it.

  • lismary by lismary
  • 15 years ago

I'm 18 and I got pregnant at 15 with my 2 year old son and now I have a 4 month old daughter and I'm very happy I had them both don't give a abortion even if you are young don't!

  • Erin by Erin
  • 16 years ago

I'm 17 and 37 weeks pregnant and I absolutely completely agree with Kaitlyn.
You took the words right out of my mouth.

  • Rhiannon by Rhiannon
  • 16 years ago

It breaks the heart to think of all these young girls think abortion is the only answer, I had my daughter 3 weeks before my 16th birthday, yes there may be some tough times ahead, at the end of the day you have a beautiful baby looking up at you! A child doesn't stop you from doing anything you want to do, you just have to work a bit harder to get there. I now have three girls and have had two miscarriages, the last time I had to have a curex done and to see how many people just through a way a life and to not have any remorse is horrible, you need to think before you sleep with someone, are you ready for what comes with it if your not KEEP YOUR LEGS CLOSED!!!!

  • michelle by michelle
  • 16 years ago

I understand if that's what you wanted, but it is possible to raise a child on your own. I was 15 when I had my son and his father was 28. I'm 21 now and my son is in his second year of school and doing great, I'm back in college and loving it. I haven't seen his father in four years and my son has never met him but we get on great. abortion isn't the only answer kids can be happy with just one, very young, parent!!!

  • Caroline by Caroline
  • 16 years ago

God love you. It is a sad situation. I had an abortion too and I regret everyday. I apologize before I say this to you as I don't know your beliefs but for me I found solace in reading an Angel book I happened to come across. Doreen Virtue Healing with the Angels. In it she says that babies chose their parents and have no ill will towards their Mother. In fact they stay with the mother in spirit. I choose to believe this as it's all I've got. I wish my child was here but like you, I had nothing or no-one. The father had bolted and amazingly went back to his ex. It's hard when people are judgmental, but I'm glad they have the strength to go on. You take care and others do understand.

  • elisa by elisa
  • 16 years ago

Well I'm 16 also and 5 months pregnant and I really don't think its right to end someones life when it was your choice to open your legs or not. I'm too young to have a baby but its the consequence for having sex without protection. and no matter what a baby is a blessing and I know it will be hard for me but its worth seeing his little face. It's not the babies fault and it gets me real sad how people end someone's life and think its the right thing.

  • lisa by lisa
  • 16 years ago

It hurts me to see that most people are so judgmental not being in a persons shoes. I had an abortion and I had my reasons yes.. I do have my regrets but when your in a bad situation things just happens. Cassie I read your comment and I really think that you should keep your child whether the father wants to be in your life or not trust me on this. If I had to do it all over again I wouldn't have had an abortion it still hurts me up to this day I just pray and ask god for forgiveness...

This poem is so sad. It is so uncaring and sad. I feel sorry for the young girl that this happened to but abortion is NEVER the answer. A baby is alive at the time of conception and this is murder. There are too many childless couples in this world that pray daily for a child. They would love to make them their own and take care of these babies.

  • jacquelyn by jacquelyn
  • 16 years ago

has anyone heard of adoption?????? Just because you messed up doesn't mean the baby has to pay. I was 19 when I got pregnant, and KNEW the dad would leave us, but it wasn't my child's fault. I owned up to my responsibilities and gave birth to a beautiful baby girl, who is 5 years old, and there isn't a day that goes by I don't think god for blessing me with her. I understand not being able to care for your child, but I don't think its too much to ask, to give your child 9 months in your body, then give it to someone who wants a baby! I just don't get it, I'm PRO-LIFE and there is NO excuse for an abortion, especially when you are a teen who needs to use condoms or birth control. If your grown enough to have sex, you should be grown enough to take the chance on being a mother!

  • Sania Harris by Sania Harris
  • 16 years ago

it was the right thing you did.....but in other words, it was a wrong thing you did.....the child had the right to live....and you took away that right.....but at the same time...you are young....there was no possible way you can take care of that child....but let god be with you...and next time you get on the bed with a guy...remember.....you are a girl and you bring a great deal to the family....and think about getting pregnant...will you be able to raise it...only then continue!..

take care,.,.....good poem

  • Jennifer by Jennifer
  • 16 years ago

Honey, I Believe you made the right choice. If you had the baby with all those problems the baby would only suffer through hard times and so would you. I was 21 when I had mine. I wasn't ready. I felt if I had the baby it wouldn't be fair to it. I wouldn't be about to provide what I felt it deserved, and I can't stand the father. He would've used the child against me and I didn't want him in my life. I don't have any regrets I know I did the best for it. This world is a cruel place. Me and you and everyone one else in our situations would only bring the baby into a world of more suffering. But from now on no matter how much birth control is I will continue taking it cuz it's when I stopped that it happened to me!!!!

  • cassie by cassie
  • 16 years ago

Hey, that brought a stream of tears rolling down my cheeks, I'm 16 as well and the father is the same age, I don't know what to do. If I have it I will lose him and my family. But I just don't know what to do, I don't know if I have the guts to have a abortion. Please talk to me about it. I'm not my self now I'm so stressed and cant handle all this stress as well I have bipolar which does not help at all. I need someone to talk to please. Nice poem as well very touching

  • Kaitlyn by Kaitlyn
  • 16 years ago

Hey um...I am only 16 years old also and I am 25 weeks pregnant...I honestly don't think that abortion is the answer...it is not the baby's fault it is yours for not staying out of bed with the guy....a baby is alive from conception it has a heartbeat and CAN FEEL PAIN....sorry I feel this way but if God didn't want you to have it you would have never gotten pregnant...God doesn't make mistakes...it is a good poem but how could you do that to something so special...think about all the women that would love to have the opportunity to have a child and don't....never take it for granted.....remember that God loves you and you baby

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