Lonely Poem

Poem Of Pain And Despair

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I just quit a job that I hated. I live in a part of the country that is almost dead, no jobs. I am married to a wonderful man, but he cannot afford to pay my bills, vehicle and insurance. I...

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Illusion Of A Fantasy


Published by Family Friend Poems February 2012 with permission of the Author.

Where do I go, which way do I turn
searching for that love I so desperatly yearn
fading memories of a past I'd soon forget
isolated and alone waiting for the one not met.

Is he just a vision or does he really exist
illision of a fantasy like a ship in the mist
the truth of it all remains to be seen
for in this moment of time I can only dream.

Laying awake I stare into the night
doom and dread surround, like the demons I fight
river of emotions flow like a swift moving tide
spiraling so fast downward I slide.

Will ever I find that peace, I do not know
breaking down more with each passing blow
desperation and pain a part of everyday life
words not spoken that cut like a knife


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  • Susan by Susan, USA
  • 12 years ago

I just quit a job that I hated. I live in a part of the country that is almost dead, no jobs. I am married to a wonderful man, but he cannot afford to pay my bills, vehicle and insurance. I am going to have to move on, to wherever I can find a job, leaving "us" behind. I don't want to do it, but I know I have to. So, this poem fits my life perfectly. :(

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