Lonely Poem

Pain Of Being Forgotten: A Poem On Love And Loneliness

This one goes out to those who have been abandoned over and over. Not completely abandoned but left alone - when that person you love goes and comes whenever they want. And even though they're gone, instead of being upset, you miss him/ her more than ever...because there is love.

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I am a woman of beauty and love. You promised me a life I dreamed of. We slept in your car and carried along, yet when it came to committing, you dropped the ball. In my mind I can't fathom...

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© more by Mariana

Published by Family Friend Poems January 2009 with permission of the Author.

He once again has forgotten me.
Many unreasonably long hours pass,
And I am still alone,
Not one word heard.

Worn out and blue I feel.
Haven't done much but still exhausted.
My thoughts belonging to him
Have distracted me throughout the day.

But like always,
Great times don't seem to last.
One day love, hugs, and kiss.
Promises to always be there.

The next, abandoned.
Tight burning words in my throat,
Waiting, a lot more patiently,
to be burst out.

It is what I want to scream.
Is what my heart yells.

Such pain is
My punishment
For falling into love's wings.
I am such a fool.

Such torture is
My prize
For falling into his arms.
I am only blind.


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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Crystal Chavez by Crystal Chavez
  • 4 years ago

You don't always have to be strong and keep things hidden. Sometimes you need to scream,
throw things, yell, or just break down and cry. Let out all of those feelings. Afterwards, when the tears have faded away, put yourself back together. Then go back to being the strongest person you know to be.

  • Kristin Blough by Kristin Blough
  • 8 years ago

I am a woman of beauty and love. You promised me a life I dreamed of. We slept in your car and carried along, yet when it came to committing, you dropped the ball. In my mind I can't fathom why you said the sweet things you never meant. Do not tell me you miss me. Do not say you care. Let me alone. Now I fear you yet still love you in my heart, but I'm not falling again for a dead falling star. My dreams are swallowed up with my tears. When you call, unknown. I'm filled with fear. You hurt me like NO ONE ever has. I can't forgive you, but I need to forget you. You are the abuser; I am the blame. I walk around feeling shame. How did it come to this? Well honey! I got love that won't let me go. Waiting to shine again, you wanted me, but everyone else you listened to. So keep on going. You let me go now; let me be free...free of the truth. I wish you happiness in all my pain while you still leave voicemails of ignorance and pain. You are my biggest mistake to date!

  • Melanie Minetti by Melanie Minetti
  • 8 years ago

Exactly how my 16 yr marriage feels like. I lay waiting for him, feeling alone and if I'm lucky I get one night or maybe one day of his attention before he is gone into his own world.

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