Relationship Poem

When you realize that you have been looking at Goodbyes all wrong.

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Peace In Goodbye


Published by Family Friend Poems May 30, 2024 with permission of the Author.

My heart has been so afraid of goodbyes
That it wants to hold on to you
So afraid of the pain that I think may follow
My eyes wants to fill with tears of sadness
Afraid of the sorrow I think I will feel not having you in my life
And I realize that I have become so accustomed to grief
That I look for it in every ending, expecting it in every goodbye

But this time, this goodbye, I am not feeling the grief
In fact, there is a peaceful knowing:
Knowing that all will be well
That you will be ok, that I will be ok.
That our time has ended and we both know it's time.
I must be growing, because I still feel love for you
But I can left you go and still feel that love.
I can think of you and feel that love all inside me
I carry it with me and it comforts me.
Not let it hurt me like so many times before
Could this be the "Good" in goodbye
Or the peace, in "Farewell"

By learning to loving one enough to let them go
Wishing only the best for them
Not trying to force love, or cage it
But continuing to feel love's lasting effects
Even after the one you love has gone, gone, long gone

Was this the lesson hidden in our relationship
My soul found some peace in our goodbye
Like I was releasing you from my own selfishness
As if I were a pebble in your shoe, that needed to be removed

My heart will always have a special love for you
It's a love that's everlasting
It fills a special place, a private place
It won't go away
Will always be there
When I long for love in the deepness of my soul
I will but think of the love I once had for you
It will bring comfort to my heart
Put a smile on my face
I will again know peace
I will know the meaning of and feel the power of love.


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