Falling in Love Poem

Falling For You

This is just a little one about love. It's a random thought, I guess. Enjoy.

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I fell in love with this girl. I tried my best and we became friends. I sacrificed virtually all for her, but when I told her my feelings, she said we're better off as friends because being...

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My Love

Megan Hagen ©

Published by Family Friend Poems August 2016 with permission of the Author.

How do I describe
My love for you?
How can I explain
That this is true?

Love is a funny thing
We'll never understand,
But hear this truth ring:
I'm in love with you.

These butterflies,
Shy smiles,
Late nights.
Thoughts are constantly
About you.

I can't tell you
All the times
This heart beats faster,
Even when you're out of view.

Always in my thoughts,
Always in my dreams.
A life without you would
Tear me apart at the seams.

It's you who keeps me up all night
And gets me through the day.
It seems to me that there
Is only one thing left to say.

I've said it already,
But to make sure you know it's true,
I'll say how I feel:
I'm completely in love with you.


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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Simon Precious by Simon Precious
  • 3 years ago

I was so depressed, but the feeling of love lightened my mood and made me feel loving again.

  • Eavy Adams by Eavy Adams
  • 3 years ago

I fell in love with this girl. I tried my best and we became friends. I sacrificed virtually all for her, but when I told her my feelings, she said we're better off as friends because being in a relationship will make her uncomfortable around me. We're still in regular contact with each other.

  • Cephas Kombe Kamunuma by Cephas Kombe Kamunuma
  • 2 years ago

That's the sad part about revealing feelings to someone you love. If you are not lucky, you even end up losing the friendship you had before. Keep being there for her all you can. She'll take you in.

  • Jun Lyng by Jun Lyng
  • 4 years ago

I fancy a girl. But she's 3 years younger than me (I'm 19). It's the first time I feel attracted to someone by who they are. For me there are no leagues or games to play. We both trust each other, respect each other's freedom, we're both in mental health recovery.

  • Luna Crystal by Luna Crystal
  • 5 years ago

I love a boy, but I don't think he loves me back. He has been my forever since kindergarten, and I think his childhood friend is trying to steal his heart.

  • Samantha by Samantha
  • 8 years ago

Well, this is true. This poem is perfect. I love this guy, but I don't think he really loves me back. He is not my boyfriend, but I will always love him until he loves me back.

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