Funeral Poem

A Poem For My Mum's Funeral

In August 2014, I submitted a poem called "A Forgotten Life" (about my mum and dementia). Finally, my mum found peace from this cruel illness and passed away on October 7, 2016. As part of the eulogy at her funeral, I wrote this poem and read it to all her mourners.

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My selfless, loving Mum passed away on 24th April 2020 from Covid19 along with other medical conditions. This poem relates to her life in many ways, and she too will be reunited with loved...

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Our Special Mum

© more by Linda Harrison

Published by Family Friend Poems November 2017 with permission of the Author.

There's so much to say, many memories to share
About a wonderful mum who did nothing but care.
Not just for us but all those she knew.
Her genuine kindness would always shine through.

Mum was not always happy; it's true to say.
Hard work and worries often got in the way.
The suffering in the world she always kept in sight,
Wishing she could do something to put everything right.

Sacrificed things for herself so she could give to others.
This is what made the best of all mothers.
She was proud of her family, always gave us the best.
She has earned and deserves her place of rest.

To know she'll join her loved ones, reunite with our dad,
Will give us the strength not to be sad.
We must cherish the thought that even in our own grief
The suffering has gone; in its place she's found peace.

She's no longer trapped in a world with no past.
The memories she gave us will always last.
We'll remember a special lady who had so much to give,
And she will stay in our hearts as long as we live.


more by Linda Harrison

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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Karen Heseldin by Karen Heseldin
  • 4 years ago

My selfless, loving Mum passed away on 24th April 2020 from Covid19 along with other medical conditions. This poem relates to her life in many ways, and she too will be reunited with loved ones, especially my Dad who passed 5 years ago. It brought tears to my eyes when I read it.

  • Joelle Baker by Joelle Baker
  • 6 years ago

My mother had a double stroke in 2010 after hearing she lost her mother. Since then, my mother had a brain hemorrhage. My mother was paralyzed from the stroke, but on Thursday my mother passed away. I am no poet. I saw this poem and was very touched.

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