Grandfather Poem

Poem About Wishing To Be Like Grandfather

My friends recently lost their Grandfather, and it got me to thinking about how much I missed my own. Though it's been 7 years, he definitely left an impression. I wrote this poem for my friends, but I think it's just as much for me. Or at least in remembrance of him.

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My grandpa died 7 years ago on October 10th. I was only 8 when he was diagnosed with cancer he died when I was 12. I am 19 now and miss him terribly. My dad was not in my life till I was 16...

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Ode To The Gramps


Published by Family Friend Poems September 2015 with permission of the Author.

He was someone's son.
He was someone's father.
Perhaps he was someone's brother.
But he was a little bit of everything,
in order to be Grandfather.

The "Grand" part is appropriate,
considering all the love he could give.
The wisdom he had gained in life
had taught him how to live.

His gentle warmth and kindness
had earned our eternal love and respect.
Though he would not ask for these things,
they are exactly what he would get.

And that's another thing we loved,
my Grandfather's selfless humility.
Upon reflecting on all this, I realize
he IS the kind of person I wish to be.


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  • Lauren by Lauren
  • 9 years ago

My grandpa died 7 years ago on October 10th. I was only 8 when he was diagnosed with cancer he died when I was 12. I am 19 now and miss him terribly. My dad was not in my life till I was 16 so grandpa was the only man role model in my life Untill I as 11. (My mom got a boyfriend) he is my world and I miss him.

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