Mother Child Poem

Poem About Child Choosing a Mom

The child chooses his/her parents before he/she is born.

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I adopted my son straight from the hospital he came home with me, I've always wanted a child, but had given up the thought with so many odds against me. God seen differently, and I would like...

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Ode To Motherhood


Published by Family Friend Poems September 2006 with permission of the Author.

they say the child chooses
the parent before
they are conceived

God gave me lists
of mothers' names
and pictures of them too.

I looked and looked
they all looked the same
and then I saw you.

Who is this woman?
I asked the Lord
She looks quite nice to me.
You have chosen well my child.
And he spoke these words to me.

She is kind and gentle
and very wise
and she will hold you
close to her
when you cry.

Her eyes will shine
when you take your first step
and smile at your delight.

She will show her pride
when you succeed
and pick you up
when you fail.

She will work hard
to give you the best she can
and rock you to sleep with weary time worn hands.

She will shelter you
on stormy days
and dry your fears away.
She will bask with you
in sunshine on
sunny summer days.

And when you are grown
like you soon will be
She will still be there
To comfort thee.

I choose her.
I told the Lord
For none like her
I've seen before.

And the day came
when I was born.
I had chosen well
of this I'm sure.

I picked you
above the rest
and because I did
My life is blessed


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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Blessed Beyond Measures by Blessed Beyond Measures, Miami Florida
  • 11 years ago

I adopted my son straight from the hospital he came home with me, I've always wanted a child, but had given up the thought with so many odds against me. God seen differently, and I would like to think even with him growing inside of another woman he saw my face and said to god that's my mommy.

  • Dipen by Dipen, India
  • 11 years ago

Really touched my soul, heart would be an understatement................
I wish no child on this earth remain aloof from love & care of mother

  • Annie H. Bell by Annie H. Bell
  • 11 years ago

This is a very touching poem. It had me teary eyed. I am a grandmother and I hope my children think of me in this way.

  • Lois by Lois, South Africa
  • 11 years ago

My son was killed two and a half years ago, so reading this poem as a mom, meant a huge amount to me.

  • Billy by Billy, Devon Uk
  • 13 years ago

I used this poem for my mothers funeral, it had me in bits! But is a really wonderful piece of work and for this I thank you.

  • Felicia by Felicia, Clayton Ohio
  • 14 years ago

I am now pregnant with my second child a little girl. And I hope that not only her but also my 3 1/2 yr old child talked to god before they came here and said this to him. It's a beautiful poem

  • Leann by Leann, Howe Oklahoma
  • 14 years ago

This poem is very sad, it made me remember my mom and how badly I need her, she gave me and my sisters up when I was 2 years old. It showed me how badly I need to find her. If she is still alive I will and if she is not at least I tried.

  • Leo Comellas by Leo Comellas
  • 16 years ago

My mother passed away last month and I find it very hard to keep my cool especially now during the holidays. Your poem made me cry - but this time for something good. A memory of love and happiness and not loss and sorrow.
Thank you

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