Mother Child Poem

Poem On The Hardest Decision A Mother's Love Through Adoption

Sometimes a mother must make the hardest decision of all and in this she shows her greatest love and selflessness.

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Donetta, I was given up for adoption and have 3 children of my own. It's easy for some women to say they would NEVER give up a child - I would love to say I'm one of those women. The reality...

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My Birth Mom


Published by Family Friend Poems September 2006 with permission of the Author.

Loving and gracious the
Women I've never met.
She made a difficult decision and
She will debate that decision for the
Rest of her life.
It was something she knew she had to do
She did it with
A Mother's Love.

She thinks about me everyday
Every birthday, Every Mothers Day
Hurt will always be there.
I would not be the person
I am today without
A Mother's Love.

I can never thank her enough
For all the pain
She must go through
To give me a wonderful life
She had to show the biggest amount of
A Mother's Love.


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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • DeeAnne Putnam by DeeAnne Putnam
  • 6 years ago

My brother and I were placed for adoption when he was 15 months and I was 6 months. I began looking for him and my birth mom when I turned 18, and I found her just before I turned 40. I found him a few years later. To make a very long story short, after everyone was found, I found out I am a big sister to 16 half siblings. I have 3 kids of my own and can’t begin to know what my mom went through every day of her life until I found her. It took a tremendous amount of love to give up not one but two kids in order to give them the chance for a better life than she could have provided herself. I couldn’t be more thankful to her for giving me life…and now giving me friendship along the way.

  • Donetta Rocz by Donetta Rocz
  • 10 years ago

My story is rather unusual as not only did I give two children up for adoption but also lost a third one in a divorce. Over 30 years ago, I made the heart wrenching decision to give up my son and daughter for adoption. I was a single unwed mother who was struggling to support to children under the age of 3. I know I hear a lot of people say I would never do that. I commend those people. But, at the time I wasn't thinking about myself but, of my children and what was best for them. The day I signed those papers it felt as though someone had ripped my heart out, and yet I knew I had done the right thing. My youngest was taken from me by her father under false pretenses. I had no witness on my side to help so I lost her too. For many years I suffered with the knowledge of knowing I would not see my children grow up. Then, in the course of 9 years God has reunited me with all three of my kids!

  • DeeAnne Putnam by DeeAnne Putnam
  • 6 years ago

I was given up for adoption and have 3 children of my own. It's easy for some women to say they would NEVER give up a child - I would love to say I'm one of those women. The reality is that unless we're put in a situation where our ONLY 2 choices are 1: keeping our child in a situation where we can't provide the basic necessities needed (a roof, clean clothes, 3 meals a day, schooling) or 2: loving our child enough to allow others to provide what is needed - not one of us KNOWS with 100% certainty what we would do. I'd like to say I could never have given up one of my children under any circumstance, but I can't say that and speak honestly. If I were not able to provide just the basics...I would hope I had enough love for my child to give them the opportunities they deserve by allowing someone else, someone more capable, to give my child what is needed. Unfortunately, a child can't survive on love alone. I commend you and women like you and my birth mom for your selfless acts of love.

  • Bella by Bella
  • 7 years ago

Oh my goodness. I'm so sorry! I was also adopted at birth. We move a lot, and I get to see my birth parents once a year.

  • Sarah Vaughn by Sarah Vaughn, Tampa Fl
  • 10 years ago

Hello Donetta my name is Sarah and I want to first say I am so happy you've been reunited with your babies! I just wanted to take a moment to tell you I commend you for the difficult decision you had to make and I know just how much love it takes to make this decision for the well being of your babies. In reading this poem you wrote I found much healing in the words and I want to thank you. I just signed surrenders for my son just 5 days ago when he was born. Although our situations and lives are very different from one another they are much the same and I also lost custody of my other son a year ago who is 7 thru a very ugly divorce and had already lost everything including my whole family and all friends thru the battle of the divorce and now just had to place my newborn son with a family. I hope you know your not alone with what you go thru everyday I know it cuz I will have to relive my decision everyday for the rest of my life, you don't forget for a second and I often feel very alone. If I can be here for you or if you want someone to talk to please let me know. Your poem has helped me and touched my heart!

  • Mary Robinson by Mary Robinson
  • 11 years ago

Choosing to give my child up for adoption was the worst thing I ever did to myself... however it was the best thing I ever did for my daughter.

  • Sandra Fincher by Sandra Fincher
  • 8 years ago

My birth mother gave me away and I'm very lucky. I have the best mother and father a girl could ever want. They're my real parents. God gave me to them and I thank God every day.

  • Ashleigh by Ashleigh, NC
  • 11 years ago

I am adopted and this poem is great. If I could write a poem with my emotions regarding my adoption it would be like this. My birth mother wrote me a poem and I keep it with me all the time and read it every night. I will always have a spot in my heart for my birth mother.

  • Ashley Garrett by Ashley Garrett, Huntsville Arkansas
  • 12 years ago

I went to foster care when I was four. I had one brother that I know of him and I got separated when I was 5 then I got adopted when I was six. Not a day passes that I don't think about my mother, father and my brother ... I always think to myself do I have any more brothers or sisters? What's my mom like? What is my dad like?

  • Kaylee by Kaylee
  • 12 years ago

I'm 19 and have just got to know my birth mother the last 3 years. Couple of months ago I gave her a poem with unanswered questions hoping she'll open up to me about my adoption. We're both the shy type, unable to have a descent conversation, or even look each other in the eye. But I'm grateful she had the courage to tell me everything I wanted to know and the sacrifice she had to make for me. How she's always loved me. It's all a daughter wants to hear.

  • Camilla by Camilla, London
  • 13 years ago

I lost my precious son Timothy. He was with me and social services got involved, he was put into foster care and then he was adopted this was painful, felt like a knife was been put in my heart. I felt so much pain the loss was great. By God's grace I have met up with my son I know there is a long road ahead but God is the restorer of all things that are lost. I love My son so much.

  • Myriah by Myriah
  • 15 years ago

I loved reading this poem. I had a daughter at fifteen and felt that I needed to give her the best life possible and I knew that I couldn't so I did an open adoption. There is not a day that goes by where I don't think of her, I just hope she knows that I did it out of love. Reading this poem makes me think that she will understand that I did it out of love for her. Keep writing :)

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