Mother Daughter Poem

Asking Mother For Forgiveness

A daughter asks her mother for forgiveness.

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It broke my heart. I lost my mama this year. The pain I feel is so great I can feel my heart aching inside my chest. How I too long for her, to see her beautiful face, hear her voice with...

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No Greater Love


Published by Family Friend Poems September 2006 with permission of the Author.

I caused you a lot pain and I didn't care, but you still loved me.
Please forgive me, Mama.

I hurt you in so many ways, but you were always there for me.
Please forgive me, Mama.

When you gave me advice, I didn't listen and I have so many regrets.
Please forgive me, Mama.

If I knew then what I know now, I would have told you every day how much I loved you.
Please forgive me, Mama

When you were growing older, I didn't want to hear about your aches and pains. 
You waited for my calls and visits that never came.

I always made excuses why I couldn't be there for you.
Please forgive me, Mama.

I know now there is no greater love like your love Mama,
and how much I need you right now to hold me and kiss me and tell me you forgive me.

Now that I am older and my health is failing,
I realize why I should have been there for you when you needed me.
Please forgive me, Mama.

I need you now, Mama. 
How I long to see your beautiful smile and feel your loving touch
and tell me everything will be all right like you used to.
Please forgive me, Mama.

Can you hear me, Mama, as I kneel here beside your grave? 
Can you hear what I am saying? 
Can you hear how much I love you and how much I miss you?

I don't know when the good Lord is coming for me,
but I hope you will be waiting so I can hug you and hold you in my arms
and tell you how much I love you.


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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Grace Donner by Grace Donner
  • 10 years ago

It broke my heart. I lost my mama this year. The pain I feel is so great I can feel my heart aching inside my chest. How I too long for her, to see her beautiful face, hear her voice with that accent that I thought was so funny when I was a little girl. I always thought she would be here, it truly never crossed my mind that she would be gone one day. How I wish I could have told her how much she meant to me, how wonderful she has been, and how much I need, and needed her now and then. I shed tears knowing that I missed my chance, that the day she left me was the day my world changed. Regrets are what I was left with, regrets are what I will feel till I too am no longer here.

  • Shella Marie by Shella Marie, Philippines
  • 14 years ago

My eyes we're filled with tears after reading the poem. A part of me was again awaken. I miss my mom so much. I've never been a perfect daughter when she was alive. I miss her so much...Love you mom...I'll forever treasure the things you've taught me. I'll try to be the best mom to your grandchildren....Love you!

  • Michele Russo by Michele Russo
  • 15 years ago

Struggling with the absents of my teenage daughter, who without warning became full of anger, rage, and no longer wanted around me. I listened with understanding, yet protecting and guiding toward a positive path.
Just days before she left she looked at me and said, "You know your not just my mama, your my best friend." Those words filled my heart like never before. Then something changed. She went to her dads that night. I though to cool down, maybe a day or 2 and things would be fine, but without rules or routine to follow, her freedom made days turn to weeks, weeks into months. Not a moment from the day she was born did I not know every aspect of her life. Now my nights are filled with tears and my days are hard to bare. I know in my heart the smart girl that she is and the values instilled don't just disappear. I know she loves me, she just need to grow but I miss her smile, her energy and her good night kisses. I miss my sunshine!!! And mom if your watching over me, I MISS YOU

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