Addiction Poem about Family

Addict Like My Parents Poem

I grew up with two parents who were both addicts. My mom now has 7 years clean!! My father is in prison till 2020, and I told myself as long as I can remember that I would never become like them, and by the time I realized that, I have become them. It was too late, and addiction slapped me in the face!!

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I get on here every couple of years, I wrote this poem when I was 17. I knew that I was traveling a path that was not right. I also knew that it was the same direction as my father who today...

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Never Say Never


Published by Family Friend Poems February 2008 with permission of the Author.

I never thought I'd live my life with a needle in my arm.
I never meant to treat loved ones this way
or cause any person harm.
I never could have seen myself being a junky at 17.
I sometimes wish that when I open my eyes all this would be a dream.
I never imagined that I would do what I have done just to get high.
I never wanted addiction to be a reason I could die.
I never planned on throwing my life completely down the drain.
I never took the time to think what I was getting myself in.
So never say never because you may be like me living a life I never wanted to be.


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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Trista Derue Graham by Trista Derue Graham
  • 9 years ago

I am a recovering addict and a widow (my husband was an addict) and we have 3 wonderful daughters ages 11, 14, and 18. My fear is that they too will become addicts, considering both parents are however they all say never just like you did. The 2 older girls are "experimenting" with pot and even Molly. It absolutely terrifies me to know these are gateway drugs and the beginning of the end. My HOPE is that they will break this awful cycle and live clean & sober lives before they get lost in the life of addiction the way their father and I did.

  • Susie Anne by Susie Anne
  • 6 years ago

Sad to say this woman, Trista, lost her life to her addiction that she struggled with. May she rest and sing with the angels!

  • Lisa by Lisa
  • 8 years ago

I get on here every couple of years, I wrote this poem when I was 17. I knew that I was traveling a path that was not right. I also knew that it was the same direction as my father who today is 13 years into his 17 year long sentence for manufacturing methamphetamine. He had done over half my life in prison off and on by the time I was 13 when he was sentenced to this case he is on. I knew that what I was doing was the opposite. Still even after writing this poem I had 0% honest concept of the dragon I was flirting with. I'm 26 now and have been to prison 3 times. I had a daughter whom my mother adopted due to my addiction. I've lost all my possessions more the a handful of times. I lost all concept of this 17 girl writing this poem. Truthful, yes, but clueless. If I knew the day I wrote this poem all that I know now. All the pain inside and damage I caused my loved ones. I may have truly deeply wanted to change more just because I knew it was wrong. The struggle is real. Just say No!!!!!!!

  • christina harris by christina harris
  • 15 years ago

I to was addicted to cocaine and heroin. I lived a double life for many years. I come from a dysfunctional family. I spent time in prison for drug addiction. I lost my kids in my addiction but I've accepted my losses now have been clean for 9 years. I take one day at a time. I don't pick up no matter what. good luck and god is with you. good luck in recovery. I wish you well.

  • Tonja by Tonja
  • 16 years ago

Lisa, there is one thing that we never run out of, and that is hope...I didn't begin using until I was in my 30's and only used for 3 yrs had 2 yrs clean and relapsed but now I have 5+ yrs clean. Being on this side of addiction can be kind of lonely sometimes but its a better life. You have to just find the little things to keep you going until you start getting your head right again. When I relapsed and couldn't get stopped I asked for help. You need to ask for help, if you cant do it alone and no one should have to-don't be too proud, ask. Your life has just begun, and every hour of every day you can start over. You'll fall down & hit pot holes along the way but that just means that your getting somewhere. Make your own new path. Get some help now while your young-parents aren't always right, I wasn't-and parents screw up too. YOU are the only one who can change your life, by writing this poem, you show you know you need help. Never say never that goes for recovery too.

  • kelsie by kelsie
  • 16 years ago

my parents are both addicts. my mom got clean 4 years ago after she tried to commit suicide on Christmas. My dad is still using. however I started using at 9 years old with my mom. you name it and it was my drug of choice! I never thought I would be like my parents. I turned out to be them. But I got sick of it after terrible events happened and checked myself into a residential treatment center in Utah at age 16. got two years clean and relapsed on my 18th b day. have 93 days clean today again! keep your head up!

  • Dawn by Dawn
  • 16 years ago

Dear Lisa
I'm not sure how old you are now but I lived the same life as you I always said I would never do drugs I was so set against them I even made my husband give up pot when I had our daughter believe it or not.
I was 30 when I tried my first drug. and I know am 38 with 90 days clean. I miss my kids and I miss my old self.
I am still mad at myself for all the people I hurt along the way all the money I stole amongst other things. well you know anything for the needle. heroin and crack where my drugs of choice. I hurt many people including myself.
I will pray for you and keep you in my thoughts

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