Wedding Poem

Poem From Deceased Father To Daughter On Her Wedding Day

From a deceased father to his daughter on her wedding day. I wrote this in memory of my friend's father on her wedding day.

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Love your poems. Having a hard time finding something from stepdad to stepdaughter from heaven for her wedding day.

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My Little Girl, Don't Cry For Me

© more by Chastity

Published by Family Friend Poems May 2008 with permission of the Author.

My little girl, don't cry for me.
I'll be right by your side.
I'd never miss out on this day
that you become a bride.

I'm here with you to hold your hand
and give your heart away
to a man God chose to take care of you
forever from this day.

Today, I place your hand in his
with blessings and with pride.
My little girl, don't cry for me
I'll be right by your side.


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  • Stories 21
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  • Rating 4.54
Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Sheree by Sheree
  • 7 years ago

Love your poems. Having a hard time finding something from stepdad to stepdaughter from heaven for her wedding day.

  • Brianne by Brianne
  • 9 years ago

My dad passed away this past August suddenly, with no warning. I have three older sisters who have all gotten married and their husbands got so lucky to have the chance to call him "dad". My family is so close and our dad was truly our hero. I can't make it through a whole day without tears, knowing that he is actually gone. I will never have my dad walk me down the aisle or give me away. This poem really hit me hard but I am glad that I found it. Thank you.

  • Barbie by Barbie, California
  • 10 years ago

Our son died 8 years ago, this April. He loved his daughters so very much. They meant everything to him. His oldest girl is getting married next month. I know he would be there if he could. Who knows? Maybe he will be. My daughters and I are giving this framed poem, complete with photos of him and the bride, as a shower gift. I expect, we'll all be crying.

  • Peggy by Peggy, NY
  • 11 years ago

My dad passed away 4 months before my wedding. I decided to walk down the aisle alone as I knew he would be at my side. That was 39 years ago this June. My dad passed on Feb 15. This beautiful poem makes me cry even after all these years because I know this is what he was saying as we took that walk together. I saw this post on Feb 15...I think this is a sign.

  • Aine by Aine, Portugal
  • 11 years ago

My cousin asked me to read this at her sister's wedding recently. It's a beautiful poem and can be delivered very positively. I hope you don't mind that I put the groom's name in place of 'his'. I wasn't sure if 'place your hand in his' referred to the groom or God. I wanted to personalize it. The Bride really appreciated it. Thank you to the writer.

  • Lisa Price by Lisa Price, Excelsior Springs Mo
  • 11 years ago

My Niece/Daughter is getting married. My brother died in 2000. I have helped raise her from the time she was born. My husband & I took her in before he passed. I want to surprise her with this poem on her wedding day with a picture of him & I also bought a CD of Angel in my arms that we are surprising her with too.

  • Kim by Kim
  • 12 years ago

My sister getting married again to a wonderful guy. My dad passed away 20 years ago and I wanted to do something from him and this is just the right thing for her I am so glad I found this and I am also making a picture with songs together.

  • Casey by Casey, Depew
  • 12 years ago

I am getting married in August. My dad passed away in 2000. I read this poem and cried. Its so beautiful

  • Donna by Donna
  • 12 years ago

My son is getting married May 26th 2012. His Bride to be, just lost her Dad 3 days ago. She is so upset that she will not have her dad to walk her down the aisle. Maybe she can carry this poem with her. It would be a way for her dad to be there with her.

  • Anna by Anna, Issaquah
  • 13 years ago

I am 16 right now, not getting married yet, but this poem touched me as well. It has been hard lately because I miss my dad who passed away when I was 5 years old. It is like the grief is hitting me hard, again. This is great, you (author) should continue writing poems! :) I hope anyone in a similar situation as mine and/or the author's will be calmed by this poem and my own story as well. We aren't alone; and the situation can almost always have been worse.

  • Charlene by Charlene, Riverside
  • 13 years ago

My sister is getting married May 2 2011, and our father passed away a year ago. I am going to have my cousin read this before the ceremony starts. I know I wouldn't be able to I would be balling the whole time, when I read this I started crying immediately. Thank you for writing this, it is perfect.

  • Bernice Gonzalez by Bernice Gonzalez
  • 13 years ago

My dad past 8 years ago and I am getting married soon and reading this lets me know that my father will be there on a very special day of mine!

  • Angeli by Angeli, Philippines
  • 14 years ago

The poem touched my heart. Leads me in to tears and cry very much:( I remember my true father died on the same day:( It is really painful to celebrate your happiest day which is getting married with someone you love even you didn't know that the happiest day would be the last day of the first guy who loves you first.:( since you are in this world:(

  • Patricia by Patricia, N Ireland
  • 14 years ago

I have just got engaged and lost my dad 7 years ago and like the others this poem has brought me to tears. It is exactly what I have been looking for to include in my wedding day, thank you for sharing it.xx

  • Kelly by Kelly, Solihull UK
  • 15 years ago

What a fantastic poem - it is helping me plan out wedding without my father by my side, thank you, has touched my heart dearly.

  • Carrigaline by Carrigaline
  • 15 years ago

It's perfect, getting married 2011,wanted something short and sweet, it will be the most important speech on my day thank you so much for sharing this, you will make a lot of brides happy, and the whole church sad, I will blame you lol, I have read it loads of time now and I'm trying not to cry, it is fantastic xxx

  • georgina wickings by georgina wickings
  • 15 years ago

what beauitful words, still crying now. touched my heart deeply.

  • Mary Theresa B. by Mary Theresa B.
  • 15 years ago

It was on a whim I found this poem and it brought me to tears. I am getting married on April 18 2010 and my father has just passed (July 2, 2009). Our wedding favors are donations to the American Lung Association in honor of my father, John J. Burns, and his loss in the battle against cancer. This poem will be proudly framed and placed on a table with the favors. I want to thank you so much for writing this and helping me and my family remember my father on the day that I will miss him most.

  • Conchita Romero by Conchita Romero
  • 15 years ago

My son is getting married to a wonderful girl. Her Father passed away many years ago, and this poem will let her know that he is always with her.

  • Evangeline by Evangeline
  • 16 years ago

I am not getting married yet. But oh my god. that poem touched my heart it made me cry.. My dad past away in 2005. It seems like just last year he left me. and has now I am in love with a man just like my dad. With a heart of gold.. great poem!!!! loved it!

  • Sania Harris by Sania Harris
  • 16 years ago

This poem has touched me deeply!....its forever my wish to write such poetry!...

this daughter, who is walking down the isle should be one lucky girl to have such a father! if I could, I would vote this poem 100+++...but unfortunately I am only allowed to rate once....:(

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