Wedding Poem

My Darling Daughter

I rarely write poetry--only when inspired by something that deeply affects me. In this one, it is my only daughter, Ashley Shannon. And if there are two things that inspire feelings in me, they are my daughter and my son. Well, my little girl's not so little anymore. She's getting married.

As my children grew up, it was basically the 3 of us against the world. But we made it--together. And now, she's got a fiancé whom she'll soon marry, making him an official part of our family. I love her and want the best for her, although in my eyes, she'll always be my little girl. So I wrote this the morning of her bridal shower to go in her card...and read it aloud because she couldn't make it through aloud. Very few dry eyes remained after I read this simple little set of stanzas. And she will always be, "My Ashley."

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My beautiful daughter is getting married today, and I must share her now with the man she has chosen. This poem just says it all for me it is lovely, and so heartfelt I am going to share it...

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My Ashley


Published by Family Friend Poems October 2008 with permission of the Author.

My darling daughter,
I just want you to know
wherever your life takes you,
my heart shall also go.

When I learned that you were coming,
it was a wonderful night!
But little did I know, my child,
you'd become my guiding light.

I held you and I raised you,
kissing life's pains away;
but now there'll be another
starting with your wedding day.

So go into the world, my love,
and chase all the joy you can.
Just remember you're still mine.
I'm just sharing you with that man.

I wish you all life's happiness, love,
though now it's with another.
But always remember--never forget,
no one will ever love your mother.

Best wishes with all my heart, Mom


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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Katrina by Katrina, Ohio
  • 10 years ago

My beautiful daughter is getting married today, and I must share her now with the man she has chosen. This poem just says it all for me it is lovely, and so heartfelt I am going to share it with my daughter Stormy with just a few changes, and hope that I can do that without crying. Thank You so much for sharing.

  • Leslie by Leslie, California
  • 10 years ago

My Ashley is getting married tomorrow and I cannot be there. This poem said it all and I just sent to her. Thank you so much.

  • Molly by Molly, North Carolina
  • 11 years ago

This poem was read at my daughter's wedding with some changes. It really told what my heart was saying. Everyone loved it and tears was flowing.

  • Amanda by Amanda
  • 12 years ago

So beautiful - brought tears to my eyes.
Much love to you all and I hope the wedding is a wonderful occasion for you all.

  • Eva by Eva, Orlando
  • 14 years ago

This poem has touched my heart expressing the feelings I have as my daughter's wedding day approaches. I plan to read this poem with a few modifications during the reception. I only hope I can do it without crying too much.

  • Bolanle by Bolanle, Lagos
  • 15 years ago

My mom would have loved to have this before my wedding because I am sure this is how she feels. I will still go ahead and print it out for her to read. Am sure it'll make her cry just as it made me... I have been married for seven months and I haven't set my eyes on my Gold, My Mother

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