Teen Crush Poem

Lost Love Is All I Have

I'm 12 years old. I started writing poems when my teacher asked my class to, but I found out it was a great way to let feelings go, so I wrote this one down about something that happened to me last year, in sixth grade. That girl had to travel, and I still miss her.

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Most young boys and girls at some stage in their lives have to pass through this because of shyness or fear. Whether their feelings convert into union or parting, the memories left in their...

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My Greatest Regret

© more by Hussein A. Termos

Published by Family Friend Poems July 2018 with permission of the Author.

I never showed my love when she was here.
Of her reaction I always had that fear.
Now she will no longer stay.
I never showed my love, and now she's away.

I always wanted to look at her face.
I always wanted to be near her place.
I always had a feeling deep down inside,
A feeling I always had to hide.

I did what I could to hide what I feel,
To hide how my heart she can steal.
Why hide? I was always asking.
Now it's time for unmasking.

Since I saw her, I wanted to be more than her friend.
Now that dream will forever end.
She was the first girl on which I had a crush.
To see her, I went to school in a rush.

She might seem normal to you,
But she's a saint from my point of view.
I thought she was perfect for me,
But through my wish I wasn't able to see.

I never told that girl how my feelings were.
I never showed her how much I care.
I regret not having that talk.
I regret not breaking that block.


more by Hussein A. Termos

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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Anas by Anas
  • 4 months ago

I wish I could write a poem like this, my heart is too broken to think about any words to say, I loved her a lot and I woke up seeing her dm was gone, that felt like I never woke up at all, it felt like a dream that I'm still living till today, I can't explain what I'm through but I'll never recover from this.

  • Danielle L. Somack by Danielle L. Somack, Winnipeg
  • 5 years ago

I really liked this poem, and it touched my heart. I know how it feels to have a fear so great that it gets in the way, only then to run out of time to overcome it. I know how it is to blow a chance because of it and to never know what would have happened had you the courage to follow your heart. There is nothing that hurts more than regretting what you never did or said, especially when you know you'll never get the chance again. This poem reminds me of how in young love the feelings are new, but nevertheless incredibly strong. I've heard that we never truly get over our first crush or the first person we loved. This poem articulates the regret and loss in a simple, heart-rendering way. I feel the longing and the loss. A great poem.

  • Subhash Bansal by Subhash Bansal
  • 6 years ago

Most young boys and girls at some stage in their lives have to pass through this because of shyness or fear. Whether their feelings convert into union or parting, the memories left in their hearts provide rich food for thought and happiness. Such incidents make one strong, full of confidence and courage. They develop a sense of keeping calm, balanced, and ready to take deep plunges into fields of action.

There was an old Hindi movie called Anarkali. One song in it said, “This life, in true sense, belongs only to him who gets totally immersed in real love for somebody.” This has been a guiding principle throughout my life. I have always gained an indescribably bliss. Nobody has deceived me. Neither have I felt cheated. If ever some abrasions happened, they passed away peacefully. In the end, I would suggest that everybody try to cultivate the feelings of love for all without any expectations.
- Subhash Bansal

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