Grandmother Death Poem

Grandmother Passed Away

This poem is about my grandmother who passed away a couple of years ago. I didn't get to spend too much time with her, but I never want to forget the few memories I have of her. I loved her so much and miss her every day; therefore, I decided to write a poem in loving memory of her. Thank you so much for reading my poem, because now that I have shared her memory with you, I know I will never forget her.

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Losing my grandmother took so much from me. Things won't never be the same. Life won't never be the same. Wake up I tell myself over and over again. But here I am awake, and this not a...

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My Most Painful Love


Published by Family Friend Poems March 2009 with permission of the Author.

On the stormy gray day you went away.
Crystal clear pure tears were shed from my face.
How will I survive without you today?
I stand here longing for your own embrace.
The things I shouldn't have left unspoken,
All the memories I can't remember
Leave me with my heart bleeding wide open.
To see your pale eyes again glow amber
Would fulfill my most genuine of wills.
To you I said I would not bid adieu.
I've made you a promise that remains still,
When spoken it was true I hope you knew.
I'll remember you even if it causes pain.
My love for you will forever remain.


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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Quisha H Muskegon by Quisha H Muskegon
  • 10 years ago

Losing my grandmother took so much from me. Things won't never be the same. Life won't never be the same. Wake up I tell myself over and over again. But here I am awake, and this not a dream. I couldn't even say I will see you later. I feel so empty inside. I use to call my granny for any and everything. Being the oldest granddaughter I try to understand death but I'm still hurting inside. I can't believe she died. Granny was supposed to be here forever. she told me she going to live to be 80 years +. I wasn't ready for that day to finally say I'll see you later. So many memories we shared. The toughest things is to loose someone you really love. Seems like I'm falling apart. Trying to pick up the pieces thats shattering inside. She picked me up many times. I will miss that pretty smile. Taking turns playing bingo on the computer. I'm going to miss playing with your hair. Watching movies with you. All those times I told her I don't know what I would do if I ever lost you. That was years ago, now the time has come and it's exactly what I said I don't know what to do. I lived with my granny so many times. So many times she took me. There were times she raised me. I looked up to my granny as a leader. She was my everything, I swear she was. I still feel like she isn't gone, like we didn't just have a funeral yesterday. It's so hard to cope with. How do I move on in my life and keep the memories near to my heart. I just don't understand, I wasnt ready to let her go. Please tell me how to do it?

  • Yvette Dludla by Yvette Dludla
  • 10 years ago

I miss my grandmother without her my life is not the same. It all feels like a dream while it not. I never thought they will come a time to sing Goodbye song again. My granny was everything to me. We spent 90% of our time together but then now not even 1% we still spend together . I miss my other piece.

  • Marie by Marie
  • 15 years ago

My Husband's Grandmother died while he was incarcerated. I read this poem and sent it to him. Thank for writing this lovely poem it has gotten us thru.

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