Mother Daughter Poem

As a mother lies on her deathbed gazing at her daughter, she is confident that the bond they share will not be broken.

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The last time I saw my dear Mum before she died was waving from her hospital bed with tears falling down her face. It is so poignant to me this poem /thank you xxxxx

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Mother And Daughter


Published by Family Friend Poems July 2006 with permission of the Author.

A beautiful cry as I fade away
I open my eyes to see her face
The miracle of a new life
Through all the pain and strife
Heaven's angel here to take my place
To run the race of this world
In the form of a little girl
Through all the commotion
I feel the emotion of a joyful life
As death calls me
The end of a life to be
I feel no pain
No shame
No regret
Nor do I fear
For with her eyes and a tear
She fills me with joy, calm and peace
As my life does decease
She will live
The gift I give to all
As I stand tall
I will watch her
From the Heavenly altar
For she will always be
The living part of me
My beautiful daughter.


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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Joan Warburton by Joan Warburton
  • 11 years ago

The last time I saw my dear Mum before she died was waving from her hospital bed with tears falling down her face. It is so poignant to me this poem /thank you xxxxx

  • Cheistina Farrelly by Cheistina Farrelly, London
  • 15 years ago

This is a stunningly beautiful poem. She has spiritually resigned her fate with the clarity and knowing that life continues on, knowing she lives on through her beautiful daughter. A sense of peace, calmness and serenity prevails. My mammy died a month ago but towards the end she was unable to communicate. I hope she's reading this from above.

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