Mother Death Poem

Poem About Losing A Mother Is Never Easy

I realize now that only my strength will help me through this. I love you, mom.

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Your mother is your heart, a part of you, and when she dies, a part of you does also. Suddenly everything that mattered so much means so little, and in your mind you see her in everything....

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Published by Family Friend Poems April 2009 with permission of the Author.

Losing a mother, it's never easy.
Losing that smile that was so cheesy.
Losing that hug that crushed your ribs.
Losing that perfume that now you just realized how much you missed.
Losing those chances to have girl talks.
Losing the chance to regain the strength after a heartbreaking dance.
Losing the chance to learn about her past.
Losing the chance to explain your own twisted path.
Losing the chance to say goodbye.
Gaining the strength to realize it's not the end, at least not today.


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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Sallu by Sallu
  • 4 years ago

I don't know what to say because I don't know anything about my mother. I don't know how she was. The only thing I know is I lost her immediately after I was born. Till today I blame myself for her death. She is very special to me because she gave my life while giving up her own life.

  • Lilly Angie by Lilly Angie
  • 6 years ago

I lost my mother in 2016. It's something that I can't forget in my entire life. I'm 30 now. I was always with her, even on her last day. Since I was not aware of what was happening, I thought mom was okay because she was awake but I was totally mistaken. Only a few hours later they told me she was no more. I'm dead inside. Everything is gone with her. No more late night calls. She was my best friend, my everything.

  • Lee by Lee
  • 7 years ago

Your mother is your heart, a part of you, and when she dies, a part of you does also. Suddenly everything that mattered so much means so little, and in your mind you see her in everything. Being with her made you see each moment of the day and now you wish you had one more moment to hold her and tell her you love her. I wasn't ready to say goodbye, and it still makes no sense. You just want to hear her voice and beautiful laugh. You walk in the door and want to call her and then remember. Yes, she is in heaven, but if only you could know she is happy, and a part of you wishes you could go back to be with her again. A mother is our foundation, and we will always be a part of her, so when we lose her we know things will be different as now we lost that one safe and forever place to be. In her arms as she is forever in our heart.

  • Susan Rowe by Susan Rowe
  • 8 years ago

My mother resided in a nursing home for 8 years. In March 2016 her failing health consequently put her in Hospice. She came back for a while. On September 28, 2016, she left this world. I constantly feel that she was calling out to me the night before. I regrettably chose to stay at home and not drive the 4 1/2 hours to see her that evening. I got the call as I was an hour away the next morning. I am living with regret for making that decision not to drive the miles to spend with her the evening of September 27th. I miss my mother. I drove to see her every 2 weeks. Circumstances, unfortunately, kept me from seeing her for 17 days prior to September 28th. She was ready to go. I am happy that she is free from pain and she is with her mother. I just can't stop crying.

  • Hailey Hardy by Hailey Hardy, Utah
  • 10 years ago

I was 14 years old when I lost my mom to stage four breast cancer. Today marks 5 years since she has been gone. It has felt like an eternity since I lost her. I feel like I didn't get the chance to truly get to know my mom like my older siblings did. Parents come out and tell all their "rebel" stories to their teenagers and I wasn't a complete teenager by then so I never got to learn the little things about her. I still grieve. I still cry every once in awhile because I feel like I've forgotten her voice, what she looks like, and her smile. Losing her has also made me very strong, I've accomplished things I never thought I could do.

  • Emily by Emily, Calgary AB
  • 10 years ago

Hi my am 15 years old. I lost my mom when I was 8 years old on August 8, 2008, she was my best friend. It was so hard when she died, it felt like I died with her. I was a happy little girl I laughed, I played, I was a bright child. I was playing with my older brother outside when someone come to our house and said your Ma is gone she got hit by a car. This saddest thing about it is I didn't get to say goodbye. I didn't hug her or say I love you mommy. She was a amazing mom I miss her each and every day. It's sad that she died when we where all young. My sisters were only 5, 6, 15 and 5 month my brothers were 2, 9. Sometime I wish it was me and not her. This poem got to me, I really like this poem.

  • Poppy by Poppy, United Kingdom
  • 10 years ago

I lost my mother 9 years ago when I was 12, but no I am finding it harder than ever.
I find myself thinking about her all the time and crying much more than ever before. I searched it online and they say it's called 'delayed grief'
she was an amazing woman and I miss her every day of my life.
These poems really are lovely.
I just hope it gets easier :(

  • Steven by Steven, Ireland
  • 10 years ago

Hi. I'm 24 and my moms got 6 months (lung cancer spread to brain) and I just find it so hard to even sit with her. I hate myself for this, I lost my bro 4 months ago (suicide) and still trying to cope with that and now all this. Just feel so lost, She's been my life and honestly if I could swap places I would. Feel so emotionally inept.

  • Stephen by Stephen, Pensacola
  • 11 years ago

I lost my mom a few weeks ago froms heart attack and complications from diabetes. I wasn't there when she past in hospital and I hate myself. I love my mom so much and miss her terribly. Will this pain ever go away?

  • Lynne Lent by Lynne Lent
  • 11 years ago

My mom died on June 13, 2013. Thanksgiving is coming and it's the first holiday when I don't have any family in my hometown to go home to. While I have my own husband and children, Mom was of course different. Every day I pause to think of calling her to share stories that only she would understand, to plan trips to see her and hold her hand, laugh together and to remember together. My birth family along with all of members of my small family are gone. I am left to pass on the stories. While I celebrate their lives and cherish the love we shared, I still want to go home for Thanksgiving.

  • Jamie Cassidy by Jamie Cassidy, Yorkshire
  • 11 years ago

When I was six years old, my mum died, the doctors could not find a reason but put it down to liver failure. I am now nearly fourteen and I want answers. Why did she have to die? It's been 7 years and I can't even remember what she looks like, the sound of her voice, her smile. Nobody understands me. Sometimes I break down and cry. I just want my mother back:'(

  • Amanda Sibert by Amanda Sibert
  • 11 years ago

Hi, my name is Amanda. I am only 16 years old. I just lost my mom in a tragic car accident May 15th, 2013 and it's now June 6th, 2013. I'm grieving a lot. I've been researching some tips to help with my grievance but none have helped.. I miss my mom every day. It's difficult to adjust because I was living with my mom. and now I must move from Georgia to Virginia to live with my dad. Life isn't easy right now. My brother was in the crash with my mom. Lucky he's okay he just need rehabilitation. I thank the lord for him. I wish my mom was here..

  • Ranada Givens by Ranada Givens
  • 12 years ago

Hi, I am 18 years old and I lost my mother January 1, 1999, at just 4 years old. She passed in a house fire, in an abandoned house, from what I've heard from my dad and friends of the family. Knowing she wasn't there to see me graduate highschool, or won't see me go to the navy, she won't be there when I get married or have kids is the hardest part to deal with. I didn't have a mother growing up, nor a mother figure. It's still hard, even though I didn't really get to know her. I miss her everyday, and wish she were here, but I know she will always be in my heart.

  • Sherette Willoughbey by Sherette Willoughbey
  • 12 years ago

I lost my Mom October 23, 2011 after a battle with cervical cancer. Even though we knew her end was nearing, nothing prepares you for that final goodbye. Mom had spent time in and out of the Hospital, so even a year later, my mind imagines she is there. The pain has yet to subside, but I find myself recalling her smile, her laughter and her voice and in those moments I am bathed in joy and then the tears flow.
My Mom had a heart that overflowed with love and as I recall her I hope that I emulate that spirit of giving and kindness. She has joined the ranks of Angels and I am blessed to say I am her child.

  • Cathy by Cathy, North Carolina
  • 12 years ago

Hi, I am 41 years old and I just lost my Mother 3 weeks ago. I am having a really hard time dealing with fact that I will never be able to talk to her like I did everyday, being able to hug and kiss her and tell her how much I love her. My Mom was my everything, she fought a long hard battle with many illnesses, but I know that she is walking tall with Jesus and has no more pain, that's a comfort to me but it still hurts me to the core just knowing I can't touch her and that she is gone and that's forever, I can't change that, I cry for her everyday, she was the most beautiful lady inside and out, and Mom please watch over me and my kids and I trust that I will walk and talk with you again. All my love for you my best friend, my wonderful MOM.

  • Stephanie by Stephanie
  • 12 years ago

I am 20 years old, and just recently lost my mom after a struggle against lung cancer and stomach polyps.. I have a 18 month old son and we lived with her since day one. It is the hardest situation in the world to deal with. Knowing that my son spent his better 18 months with grammy makes my heart melt. <3

  • Jesse by Jesse
  • 12 years ago

I lost my mom in May 2009. It seems like yesterday. I didn't get enough of her. She was strong and very self will. She collapsed at our door steps and she went like a wind. She was 76 and very sober and intelligent. Only God can heal and give strength.

  • Lindsey by Lindsey, Canada
  • 12 years ago

I lost my mother just this year on march 3 exactly 5 years after my brother same day and not a minute goes by where I don't think about her. She was all me and my sister had, and since then me an my sister grew apart. I miss my mom very much and would give anything for her to just hug me. She was my best friend!

  • Pradeen by Pradeen, Johannesburg
  • 13 years ago

It was the 16 April 2002, my mom had been shot and killed by a family friend, she was only 41 years old. the last words that my mom ever spoke to me, were "I love you Pradeen, don't ever forget that", looking back, it's as if she was saying her goodbyes, I never got to say goodbye! I miss her, her scent, her smile, the sound of her voice and laughter, I just miss having my mom in my life! 5 years later, my only other sibling died in a car accident, leaving me alone, miss my mom dearly!

  • Desireeskyemoore by Desireeskyemoore
  • 13 years ago

I'm 13 almost 14 in less then a week. I lost my mom January 6, 2011. 17 days before her birthday. I have a little brother and sister, 10 & 3. My mom was everything to me. Even though we didn't have the best relationship. Once she started getting sick I didn't go to school, I helped her with my sister. My mom was a hard worker. I could tell she was sick because she wasn't as strong as she was. I regret all the times I said that I hated her and wished she was dead. But now, I need her back. I can't live a day without her. When I read this poem it touched me. It made me feel like I could actually talk about my mom. I can't have any other talk with anyone, besides my mom. She was my best friend, my sister, and my mom. I miss her very much.........

  • Campbell by Campbell
  • 13 years ago

I'm 18 years old, and I lost my mother on July 16 of 2011 to ovarian cancer. I have two younger sisters: 14 and 11. This poem touched me, because it made me think of them. I had much time with my mother, but they never did. I know that in the future, I'm going to have to be the one to pass down the stories she told me as a child. It just sucks that it can't be her. I miss her more each day, but I know one day I will see her again.

  • Patti by Patti, Oklahoma
  • 13 years ago

My mother passed away on January 30, 2011, from congestive heart failure and complications from diabetes. She lived with me the last few months of her life, and that gives me great pleasure that I had that time with her. She was very sick and in a lot of pain. We had always had a close relationship and Mom knew how much she meant to me. I never left her side in the hospital the week before she passed. Loosing my Mother has been the worst thing that could happen to me. And now I have to go through all the firsts. The first Mother's day, Memorial Day, Birthdays, Thanksgiving, Christmas, etc. Her birthday is 11-7 and all I have done is cry because she won't be here. Be good to everyone you know. Tell them how much you love them and hug them till you can't hug them anymore. Hang on tight, because one day they won't be here anymore. Mom I love you and miss you. You had a big, kind, and giving heart. God will make you one of his special angels

  • Amanda by Amanda, Il
  • 13 years ago

This poem has touched my heart! I lost my wonderful mother in March 2011, killed in a car accident. She just turned 50 and still had a life to live. All because a bus driver was running late to work and ran a red light! She was my best friend and I miss her everyday. I try to visit her every week, but just wish she could talk back. Reading these poems just brings back the best memories I have of her! Thanks for writing something so touching.

  • Michaela by Michaela
  • 13 years ago

This is really what I never got to do with my mom I'm only 12 and I lost my mom last Wednesday to breast cancer before she died she told me she had been fighting to stay alive for 25 years

  • Chelsie by Chelsie, Minot North Dakota
  • 13 years ago

I lost my mother a month ago, it was three days after Easter April 27,2011, when I was on my way to go see her, I had phone call that broke my heart.
The call was my sister asking me where I was, I told her I'm 5 mins away. I knew something was up because she crying, she then had the courage to say that mom had passed away. I broke down crying knowing she was gone. She didn't get to see the stuffed bunny I bought her for Easter. It was the saddest day ever, I didn't even get to say goodbye. As I saw her lying in her bed, as cold as could as can be, I took her hand into mine hoping she would wake up. I gave her four kisses one on her forehead, one on each side of her cheek, and the last one was on her chin. I then said goodbye and left the room in tears.
I miss my mom, I miss everything about her, now all I have left is memories n pictures. There is a lot more I could say, but for now its time to pray Rest In Peace mommy.

  • Kenya by Kenya
  • 14 years ago

I also lost my mom on 24th December 2009. This was worse experience I have ever come across, I had just finished my secondary school education and I thought I will stay with my mom for a while before I joined college to assist her on her duties at home since she was suffering from breast cancer, but she passed on, for sure she was more than a mother to me, I still miss her up to day I just feel like she passed away yesterday my memories are fresh, as I write this, my eyes are full of tears.....But since it was will of god I have to accept it.

  • Penelope by Penelope
  • 14 years ago

On July 2 2009 my mother died in her sleep I woke up that morning and found her I think that's the worse part that I have that image stuck in my head and it plays even when I don't want it to she was my best friend I didn't know my dad he died when I was 3 so it was only me my grandma and my mom all my life the summer of 08 my grandma died and the summer of 09 my mother died I'm doing better now I'm still sad a lot and I cry a lot but it's okay cause I'll see her and my grandma someday

  • Tonota by Tonota, Botswana
  • 14 years ago

This just makes me feel sad, I am 28 but I couldn't get enough of my mother. I used to rush home after work just to be with her. But after she died three months ago, I still miss her badly and I shed a tear every day. She was a great woman.

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