Death Poem by Teens

This poem is for my best friend, Andrew, who passed away on November 27, 2012 (on my birthday), of a disease that no one knew he had. I love you, Andrew Michael Salas.

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This reminds me of my dear friend and mentor, Mark. He died this year after a battling with a rare auto immune disorder/disease that caused him to be on a ventilator. He lost his right leg...

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Just One More Day


Published by Family Friend Poems June 2012 with permission of the Author.

If I had just one more day...
I'd tell you I loved you.
I'd tell you I need you.
I'd tell you that you were the best thing that ever happened to me.

If I had just one more day...
I'd give you that one last hug.
I'd give you a kiss goodbye.
I'd give you my world.

If I had just one more day...
I'd show you how much I really loved you.
I'd show you why I loved you.
I'd show you why I NEED you.

If I had just one more day,
it would be okay for you to go away.

My life is so lost without you here.
Please come back, for just one more day...


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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Allie K. by Allie K.
  • 4 years ago

This reminds me of my dear friend and mentor, Mark.
He died this year after a battling with a rare auto immune disorder/disease that caused him to be on a ventilator. He lost his right leg below the knee and ended up being in a wheel chair all around age 22-25. He had Addison's disease. After suffering an anaphylactic reaction from a medicine, he passed away.
He was such an amazing man of faith who loved the Lord with all his heart. He prayed for people and really cared about them as a person.
Mark was smart, kind, brave, sometimes quiet, funny and wise! I miss him a lot.
He would always encourage me to do right.

I miss him and only wish I could tell him I loved him.
Until we meet again, dear friend. Mark E. 7/31/88- 2/25/20

  • Yvonne T Webster by Yvonne T Webster, London
  • 7 years ago

Jessica, I've shared your poem with my seventeen-year-old granddaughter. My son...her uncle passed away December 27, 2017. He was 31. It's a beautiful poem.
Clark's mum

  • Randyandangie by Randyandangie, New Albany Indiana
  • 7 years ago

This reminds me of how lost my daughter is now that her first love and daughter's father left this world too soon. If only she had one more chance to tell him what he really meant to her. We love and miss you, Vinnie.

  • Mycke Venter-Wagner by Mycke Venter-Wagner
  • 7 years ago

This poem reminds me of one of my best friends and me. She killed herself two years ago and I miss her dearly. I would do anything to get her back or just to tell her goodbye or to express how much I need her and how much I love her even though she had her faults.
I MISS YOU KAY R.I.P Kayla Pierse 2001-2015

  • Basani by Basani
  • 8 years ago

I have a friend named Thoko. She was so talented, and she was a nice girl. She was gone without saying goodbye. I can't cope. She died yesterday, and we shared a lot of things.

  • Giselle by Giselle, California
  • 12 years ago

This poem is so touching... I had a friend her name was Rebecca she was the brightest girl, very pretty, creative, random, funny, and talented. one day she got really sick and I was very worried so I went to the hospital and she was in coma... it was horrible seeing her in that bed dying. 8 days later my brother told me she's not coming back that she gone. When he said that my life was crashing down so many memories shared with her. I knew her since when she was 4 we met at a park and she died when she was 13. We were together and sharing for nine years. She was like my sister...she helped me out and was the only one there for me all the time...I miss her so much ): 07.13.12 R.I.P. Rebecca Josephy <3

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