Inspirational Poem by Teens

Hopeful Poem For Pregnant Teens

Poem to all pregnant teens who are scared and worried about what others think. Stay strong, girls. It's the best thing for you to do.

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And you shouldn't. For a mom who has been through so much, you deserve to be excited for at least bringing your baby girl into this world. A new life, a new joy, a new hope and just another...

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Teen Pregnancy


Published by Family Friend Poems December 2013 with permission of the Author.

Pregnancy is scary at first,
but my excitement just burst.
The day I found out,
I didn't have a doubt,
That I have life growing inside me.
This is just meant to be.

I may only be 16 years old,
so people may be cold
and not be proud.
But I'll stand my ground and speak loud.
Age is only a number in my mind.
Not everyone in this world can be kind.

For all other young mothers just stay strong. 
Don't let others make you believe it's wrong
That you are about to bring a life into this world.
Just let your feelings gradually be unfurled.
You have so little time and so much to do,.
Don't forget to make sure you care a lot about you.


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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Elsa Sinkler by Elsa Sinkler
  • 8 years ago

I was 18 years old when I found out I was pregnant. I was so scared. I was working full time, ending my first year of college, and I was moving out of state in 3 months. I was just diagnosed with depression and taking medication for it which was causing my birth control to be inactive. Even though me and my boyfriend had been together for a year as a half and living together, we barely ever had sex. I was also diagnosed with endometriosis when I was 15. I was told that my chances of getting pregnant were slim. It was very stressful. I didn't want to tell my family, his family, or even him. I wanted to just hide. I knew everyone would be so disappointed. I am 19 years old now, living in another state, far away from family. I am 25 weeks pregnant and expecting a baby girl on November 21st. I am with the baby's daddy, everyone knows. But, I still feel as if I am the only one that is a little bit excited or even cares about myself or her. It is scary, but I wouldn't trade her for the world.

  • Jaicie by Jaicie
  • 5 years ago

And you shouldn't. For a mom who has been through so much, you deserve to be excited for at least bringing your baby girl into this world. A new life, a new joy, a new hope and just another reason to live. Keep pushing forward and giving your all. If I'm being honest right now, I'm just 17. I have no idea what it feels like to be intimate with males or having a child, but me being an only child for my mother has shown me so much about the struggle a single parent mom has gone through. It can be scary, rough even. Especially with you not knowing what's the next step. But sometimes in life, you just gotta look forward, you know? Think about the better times that are ahead of you. I also really hope you have an amazing time with her and you guys live a prosperous life. With love -Jaicie-

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