Inspirational Poem by Teens

I wrote this poem because I wish to bring out the point on emotions. When we are happy, somehow we could make someone's day too. However, we must understand in life, bad times exist. Sometimes we feel sad and angry and could affect the ones near us. I view our brain as a book because some memories, whether sweet or bitter, could not be erased away.

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This poem is so beautiful! So full of truth and written from the heart! I've been reading a lot of inspirational poems lately, for I have been going through depression. So reading this poem...

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In Each Of Us


Published by Family Friend Poems May 2018 with permission of the Author.

In each of us,
There's a sun
That shines
And lights the gloomy day away.

In each of us,
There's a river
That sometimes flows
And washes away the pain no one knows.

In each of us,
There's a thunder
That may strike
And sink our voyage of life.

In each of us,
There's a book
That always keeps
And treasures those good and hard times together.

In each of us,
There's a thing called heart
That beats
And pours these emotions full of color.


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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Stardust by Stardust
  • 6 years ago

This poem is so beautiful! So full of truth and written from the heart! I've been reading a lot of inspirational poems lately, for I have been going through depression. So reading this poem and the other inspirational poems I've read from teens have really been helping me. Thank you so much! My life is becoming happier every minute! Keep up the good work and keep helping those who feel there is no hope. Because there is hope out there, and like a saying I'd once found, "Depression is being colorblind and constantly told how colorful the world is."

  • Nur Hafizah Isnawan by Nur Hafizah Isnawan Poet
  • 6 years ago

Hi there! Thank you for reading my poem and for the kind words. I really appreciate it. Hope you will continue to stay strong.

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