Long Distance Poem

Well I was getting ready to start my deployment and This one just kind of came to me as I was flying on the airplane from America to Iraq.

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I love this poem! I don't know anything about what it's like to be out there without the one you love and worried about being killed. I am 15 and I am without my love but going out there and...

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I'm Just A Soldier

© more by Justin Eugene Shelton

Published by Family Friend Poems February 2011 with permission of the Author.

I'm headed to Iraq
I guess I will see you when I get back
I already miss you
I just wish I could kiss you
I will be back before you know it
I hope you know I love you even though I don't show it
Now I am just a soldier fighting for what I think is right
Just waiting to see who the next bullet is going to bite
I try not to think of the worst
Like if I had to leave this universe
Sorry this isn't what I had planned
Having to stay over here in the sand
It's hard to go to sleep and it's hard to stay awake just wondering what will happen at day break
There are only two kind of people, the quick and the dead
That is all I can think about as I lie here in my bed
But I have to serve my country
Even though I will miss our anniversary
I've got to go now it's my time to leave
Because all I can care about is this patch on my sleeve
Honey, I will write you as much as I can
And yes, I guess you can say your my number one fan


more by Justin Eugene Shelton

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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Kelsey Gosnell by Kelsey Gosnell
  • 10 years ago

I love this poem! I don't know anything about what it's like to be out there without the one you love and worried about being killed. I am 15 and I am without my love but going out there and worrying about seeing daylight the next day, that must really be tough. Thanks to all the troops who are out there and keeping us safe! :D

  • Terra Blake by Terra Blake
  • 12 years ago

My dad was a Marine and my big brother is a soldier ins the Army deploying to Afghanistan in October, so I can feel for the author of this piece. It's hard saying good bye and not knowing if you'll get another face to face hi. But you have to just stay strong and think of the best while there gone.

This was a wonderful piece. and I hope the author made it home safely. God bless.

  • California by California
  • 13 years ago

This story has never happened to be but I come from a military family and I have an older sister and younger brother that are going to join and I am too and it's very sad when a soldier has to leave but you know in your heart that it's what should happen even though it breaks your heart in to a million peaces xo god bless our troops

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