Poem about Teen Life

Poem By A Tomboy

I am a tomboy. But I am a girl too.

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I have been a tomboy for a year. I also have like a million boys who are friends and just a couple girls. My sister wants me to be girly like her, but I just can't.

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I'm A Girl Too

Angie M Flores © more by Angie M Flores

Published by Family Friend Poems August 2008 with permission of the Author.

I'm a tomboy, that is true,
But at the same time I am still a girl too.
Just because I don't express my feelings,
Doesn't mean I don't have any, because I do.
I may not be open with my emotions,
But I get happy, sad, and angry just like you,
Except I am better at hiding them than you.
You might never see me cry,
But that doesn't mean I don't shed the same tears everyone else does.
Just because I dress like a boy
Doesn't mean I act or think like one too.
A sports lover I am indeed,
But I love other things too.
The majority of my friends are male,
But I sometimes wish I had a girl friend too.
I was born a tomboy, that's all I have ever known.
But sometimes people forget that I am a girl too.



I am a girl with a deep passion for writing, my mind can go on and on. My goal in life is to complete my own autobiography. Give me a pen and sheet of paper and leave me to my thoughts. The quiet ones are always the ones who have plenty to say.

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  • Rating 4.30
Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Jae by Jae
  • 6 years ago

I have been a tomboy for a year. I also have like a million boys who are friends and just a couple girls. My sister wants me to be girly like her, but I just can't.

  • Katyaini Ranjan Chaudhary by Katyaini Ranjan Chaudhary
  • 9 years ago

I've acted like a tomboy for around two years in my past. At that time, I did it because it felt cool but now, I think of it as one of the most precious experiences of my life. For two years, irrespective of calling me weird and crazy, people took my support because they believed me to be strong, they trusted me with their secrets and I became a guardian for my friends. That was the best phase of life when I could feel independent, having others depending on me. Even if it was just ACTING, it was true to its core. I admire every tomboy in this big world. Girls, You Rock!

  • Nicole  Tx by Nicole Tx
  • 11 years ago

Yeah, I've been called a "young man" by a man who works at Kroger, "sir" by a waiter, and a guy asked me "There's a guy's club volleyball team?" It's pretty harsh when people look at you as a guy, even though I sometimes like it, but a lot of times, I don't. Love the poem! Keep writing!

  • Jackie by Jackie, Toledo
  • 11 years ago

I'm in 5th grade at Whiteford Elementary . That means I've been at my school for 5 years and almost EVERYBODY knows me. I haven't always been a tomboy. People who've known me BEFORE I became a tomboy know I'm a girl. But ALL the 1st graders & kindergartners think I'm a boy!!!
When I go in the girls bathroom, they deny me when I tell them I'm a girl!! I shouldn't be mad at them. They are JUST little kids. What still makes me upset is that even grownups think I'm a boy. Just because I wear stuff from the boys section and have a boy-ish haircut DOESN'T MEAN I AM ONE!!!!

  • Heather by Heather, Minnesota
  • 11 years ago

I am 15 and consider myself somewhat of a tomboy. I love hanging around guys and doing the things they do and being like one of them. I wear jeans and tee shirts like the guys and try to think like them also. Sometimes my 'girl' mind takes over and then I want to be a girly girl, but that doesn't happen very often. I just finally made my first communion on may 19th and it was a struggle for me. I had to wear the white dress, veil, tights and shoes and I felt really weird, even though everyone said I looked nice. I couldn't wait to get out of the outfit after my party.

  • Sam by Sam
  • 11 years ago

I am the only girl wrestler in my home town. I wear mens shorts and I hate perfume... and it makes me want to cry when people think I'm a boy. I'm considered one of the guys, and I have wayyy more guy friends than girls. I really like this poem... don't stop writing!!!

  • Cynthia by Cynthia, Canada
  • 12 years ago

I may not be the most tomboyish girl in the world. I'm sort of a tomboy but others don't see it. however one of my friend really is a tomboy. I know she feels a bit like you when people call her that. Once, a little kid asked me why I hang out with a dude. I told him she is a girl. Others also call her a him, sometimes asking her if she'll wear a tux during grad. Even if I'm not her, I get really unhappy at those comments. I like her for who she is, not how she looks. keep writing!

  • Taylor by Taylor, Monterey
  • 14 years ago

I am a tomboy too, and this is a really great poem because it expresses so much. I hate it when people call me a boy. My name is Taylor and I hate it when people call me Tyler, it's so immature, but it still hurts. This is a great poem, keep writing.

  • Beverley by Beverley, Lossiemouth
  • 14 years ago

I'm a girl, but I am a tomboy.
And it hurst me when people say that I am a boy!

People don't understand why us girls dress like tomboys

And this poem is soo true, And I really like it !!!!!

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