Depression Poem by Teens

The Emotions Of Someone Who Is Suicidal

I can think of no better way to put my feelings into words than this piece of writing. I thought that my life had no value. I thought that one person gone wouldn't make a difference. I was almost too late when I realized that every single person on this earth makes a difference. Nobody should have to leave that way.

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To tell you the truth, I never thought that such people depressed like me exist. Well, my depression started when I started my high school. The cutting started, then came suicidal...

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Published by Family Friend Poems April 2014 with permission of the Author.

Is anybody out there?
Is anybody listening?
The words from my mouth are silent,
But my tears scream your name.

No one takes notice
Of the pain that I display.
How did I get here
To this dark and lonely place?

I wish someone would pierce the veil.
I wish someone could lead me through.
I want someone to take my hand
And for once see what I'm going through.

I wish someone would find me here
And save me from the pain
I want it to be over soon.
I don't want to stay.

Empty souls around me carry on with their day.
They don't seem to notice the mask that's plastered on my face.
Ignorance is bliss to them, and they turn a blind eye.
Little do they know or care if I make it through the night.

The haunting sounds inside my head keep me from my dreams.
Two conflicting voices make a coward out of me.
Finally someone notices and pulls me into sight.
They cry fake tears regretfully and they tell me to fight.
I tell them I'm done with these silly thoughts and that I'm here to stay.
I tell them not to worry, tomorrow is a new day.

They think my fight is over,
That I've made it out all right.
Little do they know,
The same thoughts still haunt me at night.


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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • 5 years ago

To tell you the truth, I never thought that such people depressed like me exist. Well, my depression started when I started my high school. The cutting started, then came suicidal since I read your poem it kinda made me less suicidal. So THANK YOU for sharing this with all of us. I am hoping for the best in my future. Like you said, "Not to worry, tomorrow is a new day."

  • Black Widdow by Black Widdow, manchester
  • 8 years ago

Keep fighting. You will win the fight, and you will be free from whatever haunts your nights.

  • Audrey Garcia by Audrey Garcia
  • 10 years ago

This poem is so amazing. My depression started at age nine and I began cutting at eleven. Now I'm sixteen and I recently healed... Kind of... But this poem describes my feelings back then so perfectly. It summarizes everything, from the ignorance to the lies. It's amazing and truly touched me.

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