Mother Death Poem

Poem About Mourning Mom In Heaven

Losing someone you love is so very difficult. Every day I look for signs that my mother is still with me. She was and always will be my greatest love. God bless all of you who have lost a loved one.

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On August 2, 2019, my younger brother was in a motorcycle accident that ruptured his aorta. He had surgery and came out okay. I left the hospital, which was against my better judgement. He...

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If Heaven Had A Window

Kathy J. Parenteau © more by Kathy J. Parenteau

Published by Family Friend Poems June 2013 with permission of the Author.

If heaven had a window and God granted me a view
of all the beauty it beholds, I'd only look for you.
I'd listen for your laughter that was always music to me.
Your beautiful hair and hazel eyes are what I'd wish most to see.
If I could only view once more the smile that warmed my heart,
I'd treasure that moment as long as I live and we must be apart.
Here on earth I search for you and pray to God for signs,
and every day that passes you're still with me in my mind.
I know you're happy in heaven; you've earned your mansion indeed.
I imagine your kitchen table and you waiting there for me.
I love you and I miss you more than words can say,
and what I wouldn't give just to talk to you today.
I hope that you can hear me and listen to my thoughts,
and wherever this life takes me you know I've not forgotten
that once upon a time I was blessed and loved, it's true,
and if heaven had a window I'd only look for you.



I am from a family of writers. My grandfather was a published poet. He taught me to write as a young girl. He opened up the world of poetry to me. What a sweet release it is to take those thoughts from the secret part of your soul and put them in verse. My hope is that my poems inspire others and reach them in a very special way.

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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Marybeth Johnson by Marybeth Johnson
  • 4 years ago

On August 2, 2019, my younger brother was in a motorcycle accident that ruptured his aorta. He had surgery and came out okay. I left the hospital, which was against my better judgement. He was supposed to get married on August 10th. I left, and his fiancé stayed. When I got home, I received a call saying they were trying to revive him. I flew back up to the hospital, only to find him on life support. From that point on I never left his side. On August 7th the family agreed to take him off life support. We were very close. I was supposed to go first, not him. We even shared the same birthdate - the 21st (him and May me and September). We were only 18 months apart. I never should have left the hospital. I know he would still be here. If heaven did have a window, he is who I would look for. It's his face I would want to see. He was a wonderful man and a great father and the best brother. I'll never forget his last words to me were, "You're a good sister and I love you." Thank you for your poem. It touched my heart. I miss you, Steve.

  • Annie McClain by Annie McClain
  • 3 years ago

I am so sorry! But don't blame yourself for leaving the hospital. God needed him to help plant flowers in his beautiful heavenly garden. May God's peace forever be with you.
Annie McClain

  • Nadine Oosthuizen by Nadine Oosthuizen
  • 5 years ago

My mom was my best friend and she fell on July 14, 2017, on slippery steps. She has massive bleeding on her brain. She fought for eight months in hospitals on a ventilator. Got her wings as the most loving, angel ever. She was always caring for others, including strangers. She had a big heart and left her fingerprints on everybody's lives, and we all miss her more than words can say. Mom was one of a kind. Raised eight kids. Fed and clothed us. Gave equal love to all. And still reached out to others. I am so proud that my angel mom is waiting for me in heaven. Mom baked wedding cakes and did all decor including sugar flowers. Mom made our clothes herself. Looked after so many ill people with love and always had a smile straight from her beautiful heart.

  • Vanessa R. Rogerson by Vanessa R. Rogerson
  • 6 years ago

This poem truly touched my heart. The poet said exactly what I feel about my Mum. My Mum earned her wings Wednesday, February 8, 2012. I miss her every day that goes by. I miss the sound of her voice, her soft skin, her hugs, her laughter, her funny little ways, her kisses... I MISS HER so much and would give anything just to see and talk to her again.

After reading this poem it really hit home with me! I was very close to my Mother, and it was very hard to lose her. She passed away in the spring of 2005. The part of the poem that was brought to my attention was when the poet states times spent around the kitchen table! This sounds exactly like my Mother's house! When we would visit her, our time was usually spent in the kitchen sitting around her table. My Mother would always say, "If this table could talk, it could tell many stories," and we would all laugh! Thanks for the wonderful memories!
Lisa K. Putnam

  • Linda by Linda, WA
  • 9 years ago

I lost my mom a year ago from heart failure, I miss her she's my best friend. I lost my dad a few years ago and I miss him more than anything. I feel that I'm alone now but I know my mom is watching over me. I love this poem it really touched my heart and I do wish that heaven had a window so I could just see them again.

  • Mary E. Bagorio by Mary E. Bagorio
  • 9 years ago

I have lost a daughter, my father, my one and only brother and my life changed forever. Nothing is as devastating as losing a loved one that is so close to you. My heart goes out to you and I love your poem. It's absolutely beautiful.

  • Diane by Diane
  • 11 years ago

I've lost my partner. We had two beautiful girls I really liked your poem and I do wish heaven had a window. He was my first love.

  • Marline by Marline
  • 11 years ago

I have lost my Mom and I know she is in a better place and she is looking down watching over me. Not one day goes by that I don't think about her or even pick up the phone to call her. If you have your parents who are still here, call and see them every chance you get. Tell them each & every day how much you love them. It only takes a minute to do. Make sure to let them know how much they have done for you and thank God for keeping them here. I pray for everyone that has had the same hurt that I do. Take it day by day, and maybe someday we will have comfort in our hearts.......God Bless Everyone.....Judith Brown.

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