Aunt Death Poem

Wishing People Saw The Real You Poem

I lost my Auntie a few months ago. I wrote this poem for her for me to read at her funeral. I ended up not doing it because I was too upset, which I regret enormously. She was misunderstood by everyone, and I wanted people to see her for what she really was. I think the poem gave a glimpse as to what she was really like. If people would have just been more open-minded and read between the lines a bit more, they would have seen her the same way as I did.

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I Wonder What You Really Thought


Published by Family Friend Poems April 11, 2023 with permission of the Author.

I wonder what you really thought
And what was on your mind
The answers to those questions
You never seemed to find

I wonder what your dreams were
And if any of them came true
There must have been so much
That you were too afraid to do

I wonder if anyone saw you
The same way as me
Not just sitting in your chair with a fag
And a cup of Tetley tea

But the way you really were
Behind that hardened face
A person wanting to come out of her shell
But there was never the right time or place

You acted as tough as old boots
But we all knew that was a lie
A quiet woman with so much depth
Sensitive and shy

I don't know what you were frightened of
And why you were never just yourself
You hid a lot pain in your life
And always suffered with your health

I know sometimes you were angry
And I know sometimes you were sad
But when you look back on your life 
Think of the great times that you had

All those times you went abroad
And sat crisping in the sun
Or cruising on a big ship
And placing bets you never won

You were 50 before you got a plane
And travelled to so many places
You had the best friend you could ever wish for
The photos showed the smiles on your faces

You had a son you loved implicitly
I know that's what you'll want him to know
You always thought the world of him 
You just found it too hard to show

You got to meet your granddaughter
Which you never thought you would do
The time you spent was precious
And she thought the world of you, too

And now you're at the end of your journey
As you switch to the other side
To be those you lost, once more
After all those years you cried

You meant the world to me
I will love you for forever
I hope you're at peace as you're laid to rest
Now you're all back together.


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