Aunt Death Poem

Mourning Poem

Dedicated to My Aunt (AKA my Mom).
She was the one who raised me.

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This poem is dedicated to my Aunt Jody. She took her last breath today with all of her loved ones surrounding her. She was a courageous woman that lost her battle to cancer at the age of 61....

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God Took Another Angel Home


Published by Family Friend Poems September 2009 with permission of the Author.

You laid there in that hospital bed;
you tried so hard to hold on.

God was calling you home.
He needed another angel to help pour out the rain.

Tears have fallen, hearts weere shattered,
but it was time for you to fly home.

Your loved ones came to say their last goodbyes,
to tell you they loved you, and that you will be forever missed.

As your heartbeat stopped, and your eyes slowly closed,
God took another angel home.


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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Angie Scott by Angie Scott
  • 9 years ago

This poem is dedicated to my Aunt Jody. She took her last breath today with all of her loved ones surrounding her. She was a courageous woman that lost her battle to cancer at the age of 61. She would always tell me that she loved me to the moon and back and that I was her favorite niece. I would always remind her that I was her only niece and that I loved her more. She will forever be in my heart.

  • Susan by Susan
  • 10 years ago

My the aunt died on 2 Feb 2014. I was so close to her she was only 28. I never get a chance to say (I LOVE YOU ). I miss her so much.

  • Cape Town by Cape Town
  • 11 years ago

This poem is soo powerful as many of us relate to it. My aunt died aged 64 after by-pass heart surgery. I cried every time I left hospital but was strong with her and family. She was my godmother and friend and her passing was shock and I still miss her daily. She now gone 3 months and today is her Birthday. I love you and miss you aunty Eileen. ...xxxx

  • Jade by Jade
  • 12 years ago

This is amazing poem and I can relate soooo much. When I was 10 my aunt died and she and I were very close but when she passed away I had nobody to truly talk to.... the only thing I have left was a box with some of her favorite things that she loved.. <3

  • Ariana by Ariana, Queens
  • 12 years ago

The exact same thing happened to me my aunt held on for 2 weeks after having a massive stroke and her right side was paralyzed then she took her last breath and went with the angels

  • Kim by Kim, Alberta
  • 12 years ago

Today I lost my Aunt Sylvia to Cancer. She'd been hospitalized for the last few months. She too waited till my Uncle And Mom got there. My mom reassured her that it was ok to let go & that her yard work was done and her house was clean. Also to go Home where she'll never feel anymore pain, after My Mom said that My Aunt Sylvia took her last breath and went home to GOD

  • Connie by Connie, GA
  • 13 years ago

my auntie Janice was the kind of person that... you would be crazy about! Even she was 62 she looked about 40! She was the last one of her family. and she told me that one day she would be with her parents and her sisters and brothers. On Oct 28, 2011 her body was letting down. and God saw her pain and called her home. and I know that she is at peace...sleep on auntie and get your rest.

  • Sarah by Sarah
  • 13 years ago

This relates to our family cause my cousin Carolyn passed away yesterday she has been fighting breast cancer for a while know. I guess God wanted another angel home.. God bless we miss you!

  • Heather by Heather, Iowa
  • 13 years ago

This touched me deeply. I lost my brother to abuse when I was only 7. He died way before his time at the age of 9. I think of him every day watching over me and my daughter, and can sense him when times are hard, and when I'm missing him the most.

  • Stevie by Stevie, New Zealand
  • 14 years ago

This reached right into my heart. I can really relate to this as my Aunty died after a good fight with cancer. We were really close and there's part of me missing, a part of me that she took with her.
Fly Free

  • Angelo by Angelo, Florida
  • 14 years ago

Gina, my exact story. My mother was my everything and she fought the good fight. She wouldn't have left us if she had anything to say about it. God called her home and just like you Gina half of me went with her. She's been gone 6 months this week and I still don't know how to go on. Prayer.

  • Gina by Gina, South Carolina
  • 14 years ago

this poem reached into my soul, I sat besides my mothers hospital bed, felt her last heart beat and breath after they removed the life support... she was my everything.. she had struggled to stay with me for so many years and finally God called her home.... taking half of me with her..

  • Amy by Amy, Nevada
  • 14 years ago

Chelsea, that exact thing just happened this past weekend. My nana was in the hospital and all of her grandchildren and children were flying in to see her and say goodbye to her one last time. And the last person got there and seconds later she took her last breath.

  • chelsea by chelsea
  • 15 years ago

this poem touched me deeply. I can relate to this so much. I watched my aunt die in the hospital after a long fight with a terrible illness. her whole family was all around. and she didn't die until the last one in her family got there. RIP aunt Verna. you will be forever missed. and I love you very much! xoxoxo

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