Aunt Death Poem

Poem For An Aunt Who Died

A woman mourns the death of her aunt.

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Just like you, I lost my beautiful Auntie early Friday morning. Her soul joined the sun while rising. She was diagnosed with cancer in June 2015. It was a long, fierce battle. She used to...

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My Aunt Jean


Published by Family Friend Poems September 2006 with permission of the Author.

I close my eyes as I wipe a tear.
I just keep wishing you were still here.
I will hold all the memories deep in my heart.
Through these memories we'll never part.

I close my eyes as I wipe a tear.
I just keep wishing this pain would disappear.
I didn't get the chance to say my last goodbye.
I just didn't think you could ever die.

I close my eyes as I wipe a tear.
All of your love I will always hold near.
In my heart and my mind I will never be alone.
When my time comes...
I will meet you in heaven!


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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Darla by Darla
  • 7 years ago

I lost my Aunt Pat and my mother. I miss them both so much. I wish they would come back. I want my mother to come in the house right now.

  • Rose Wood by Rose Wood
  • 7 years ago

My wonderful auntie passed away early Friday morning, whilst peacefully sleeping, I'm somewhat glad she went in her sleep as it would just be like slowly drifting off. Jackie died of cancer which was recognized in the summer of 2016. We honestly did not expect her to last this long as in November the doctors said a few months. Even though we were all expecting it, it still came as a somewhat shock, and I think deep down I thought that she would fight through it, but cancer won in the end. She died way before her time, and not only did I lose an auntie, my mum lost a great friend, my dad lost a sister, my uncle lost a wife, my cousins lost a mum, and my grandparents lost a daughter. Jackie was such a kind, selfless woman, ever so funny, but cancer really changed her, and to be honest we had all lost her way before she died. We will always miss you, Jackie!

  • Illy by Illy
  • 6 years ago

Just like you, I lost my beautiful Auntie early Friday morning. Her soul joined the sun while rising. She was diagnosed with cancer in June 2015. It was a long, fierce battle. She used to call cancer little thing, and she’d sing, “No worried about a thing ‘cause every little thing’s gonna be all right.” My bird, my angel flew away and took my smile and heart with her. May she rest in peace. I dial her number waiting for her to answer, but nothing.

  • Kiara Robertson by Kiara Robertson
  • 8 years ago

My Aunt Jean passed away yesterday at 5pm from very aggressive cancer. This is incredibly fitting. Thank you.

  • Susannah Tysor by Susannah Tysor
  • 8 years ago

Apologies for my confusion in my submission of a moment ago - my Aunt Jean took her own life, but this poet's Aunt Jean died of cancer. Despite this difference I so appreciate finding a poem for my Aunt Jean today - thank you.

  • Susannah Tysor by Susannah Tysor
  • 8 years ago

I read this poem as I searched online for insight into the meaning of my feelings in response to a suicide in the family. It was an amazing thing for me to stumble upon... because just last weekend, my very own Aunt Jean (Johnson!) also committed suicide. Without meaning to, this poet has written a eulogy for my Aunt Jean today, ten years after her own Aunt Jean took her life.

  • Alexis Hurst by Alexis Hurst, Ohio/Massillon/US
  • 9 years ago

My aunt Alisha Nicole passed away at the age of 24. Her and I were super close. I am 14. When I was younger I did everything she did because I wanted to be everything she was. She was perfect. Everything she did seemed to please people and I wanted that. As I got older I still wanted to be like her. And I continue wanting to be like her. I love and miss her very much.

  • Erin by Erin
  • 9 years ago

My aunt passed away from breast cancer in October, she was my second mother and it hurt so bad losing her. I'm 12. And dealing with this is the hardest thing ever. She put up a fight against cancer for 5 years but she lost her battle at age 49. I cry every night. She gave me a necklace for my birthday before she passed and I haven't taken it off because it makes me feel like I'm with her. I hope all of those who have lost someone to cancer will get better!

  • Cathy by Cathy, Nevada
  • 10 years ago

My Aunt Allison died yesterday morning at age 89. I truly thought she would live forever. Two hours after finding out of her passing, I received a letter from her written two days earlier. Her message to me was that she was bone weary; she said she loved me. She was a remarkable woman and touched lives of those she met. Allison was my role model, my second mom and my dear friend. Thanks Allison for the will never be forgotten, always in my heart.

  • Bella by Bella
  • 11 years ago

Thank you for your poem and everyone's comment. Makes it easier to know that I'm not the only one going through this, my aunt died in 2009 and till today I'm not over it. Absolutely crushed and torn as she helped raised me. She was an amazing woman and inspiration to soo many! :)

  • Jasmine by Jasmine, Nebraska
  • 11 years ago

My Aunt Carol just recently died. Today, 6/13/2013 at 8:00am or so - My parents and I got a call from my Uncle that she passed away. We knew something was wrong by the sound of his voice. She was so sweet and had a loving soul and personality. We all miss her. No goodbyes were said because she left without warning. Cause of death was that a part of her heart burst. Heart attack. :( I was even going to call her up after this week to hang out but looks like not. She will stay in many people's hearts.

  • Allanvs by Allanvs
  • 11 years ago

My aunt Pat died 23 years ago today... I was looking for something to put on Facebook (since I don't write poetry myself) and found this.
I credited you on Facebook and thank you for writing lovely poems.

  • Andrew by Andrew, South Australia
  • 11 years ago

I lost my Aunty Deb last night to cancer and this poem has me howling like a baby. I will miss her so much, and there won't be a day that goes by where she won't cross my mind. She was always there and knew just what to say or talk about. I will miss you my beautiful Aunt.

  • Sara Lucy by Sara Lucy, Lisbon
  • 11 years ago

My great aunt died two days ago, the 23rd April 2013 and last time I saw her I didn't get to say goodbye. She died so young, I just can't stop thinking and crying. I miss her so much and seeing this comforts me so much. I thought I would have been the only one. I miss you Arlette, we will meet one day in heaven.

  • Maureen Harrison by Maureen Harrison, Cape
  • 12 years ago

My Aunt died today, 16 November 2012. She was such a beautiful person, she personified LOVE. I know she is safe in the arms of the Lord, and meeting up with her brothers and sisters. I will never forget you Aunty Joy and look forward to seeing you again one day.

  • Amy by Amy, Uk
  • 12 years ago

My Aunty Jean passed away on the 3rd of November 2011 from cancer. I miss her a lot, as she took over being my other parent when my dad left 13 years ago. I had to make the hard choice of letting her go but I know it was right to stop her from being in any more pain. This poem has really touched me. Thank you for writing it

  • Maria by Maria
  • 12 years ago

First my aunt died in cancer. I couldn't believe it she was everything she was my second mom. I cry every night and morning I miss her so much!!!!! and then my uncle wife with a heart attack she was so nice to me we were always together and close I had a lot of fun with her love her with all my heart. I know they both in heaven. I will never forgot you I Love you!!!!

  • Rockford Ill by Rockford Ill
  • 12 years ago

This poem touched my heart my name is Tiffiny and my aunt just passed away from a long battle of cancer. I miss her dearly, but I know she is with the dear lord. Thank you for posting this poem.

  • Phiniai India by Phiniai India
  • 12 years ago

My aunt passed away on the 21st of august 2010. She was my dad's youngest sister. She left behind two young son who were only 5 and 1 when she died. She was like a mother to me and everyday I miss her and think about her. It is through her death that I know what 'death' really means. She was hit by a bike and she died on the spot. I had so much to say to her and now I just regret for delaying the time. I'll always love her forever and ever and I'll always miss her until I see her again. I Love You aunt Amida!!! Always have and always will!!!!!!

  • Dawn by Dawn, Clearwater
  • 12 years ago

Well here I am again, I just lost my Auntie Sharlene Lurati on March 27,2012 and now have lost my Auntie Dianne Severson (her sister) on April 14,2012, 18 days later. She was 63. Both of these deaths were unexpected. Both of these women were a tremendous influence in my life. They showed great love, independence and wisdom. It is difficult to lose an Auntie, it is more difficult to lose both Aunties with-in the same two weeks. We don't know why Auntie Dianne died, I think her heart was broken. I can only imagine, the loss of a sister may be greater than the loss of an Aunt.

  • Dawn by Dawn, Clearwater
  • 12 years ago

My Auntie Sharlene Lurati 55 died unexpectedly on March 27, 2012. She had a heart attack. This was the last of many and the one I was not there to be by her side. I miss you so much Auntie and so sorry I was not there for you. Love Dawn xoxo.

  • Sad-Girl by Sad-Girl, Dayton
  • 13 years ago

My aunt just died on March 24th, 2012 she lived in Michigan and her daughter and son found her dead in the bed and I just wanted to say that this is a very beautiful poem, this just touched me <3

  • Colby by Colby
  • 13 years ago

This poem made me think of my Auntie who died of a 7 month battle with Cancer. I miss you so much Auntie Sharlar! You didn't deserve to go baby but you now in a safer place with all the angels and I hope God is looking after you. You did ever so well fighting it but God needed a angel and sadly took you! R.I.P Sharlar xxxxx

  • Klaudia by Klaudia
  • 13 years ago

My aunt who raised me like one of her own (because my mother had two jobs to support all of us) passed away, she was only 46, had heart problems since she was a teenager and passed away from diabetes 2 months after my 15th birthday. No one knew she had it... I'm 24 now, happily married, but not a day goes by that she's not needed, and not a day goes by without me wishing she was here being part of all our happiness, luckily I have my mother with me, but we both miss her dearly, she was a great person, my mothers best friend and just a joy to be around, she'll always be missed. She'll always be a mother to me, now she's in a better place watching over us.

  • Siana by Siana
  • 13 years ago

My name is Siana and I'm thirteen my aunty Rona died about a year ago now, she was more like a mum to me. I miss her so much and will miss her till the day I die xxxxxx

  • Briana by Briana
  • 13 years ago

My Aunty Died... Just last night.. heart attack, she will always be missed and never be forgotten... Love you aunty.... and this poem is amazing, I love it .

  • Brittani by Brittani
  • 13 years ago

My aunt was 25 and committed suicide on December 7th of 2010... I miss her very much and this poem brought tears to my eyes. Thank you for sharing this beautiful piece of literature.

  • Josh by Josh
  • 14 years ago

My aunt died two days ago from a heart attack in her sleep. She was in her late 60's, but I am still very much in shock. This poem inspired me to write my own poem about my experience with her and my emotions now. I feel like you knew your aunt much better than I knew mine, and that is something I've always regretted; not knowing her better. Now there's no time left to remedy that.

  • Noneyaa by Noneyaa
  • 14 years ago

Well my aunt died Aug.. 6th, 2010. and her memorial was yesterday. So I love this poem because it true. I really wasn't that close to her but I've known her since I was born. and she babysat me all the time. and she didn't die naturally. she hung herself. we don't know why. I'm soo torn up.

  • Hayleigh by Hayleigh
  • 14 years ago

oh my gosh...this poem is so aunt died before I was born but I have seen pics of her and she is very beautiful...I wish I could have met her.. :(

  • K by K
  • 15 years ago

My Auntie died just over 4 years ago now and today would've been her 48th birthday! The second verse hit home as I never got to say good-bye since she was killed in a car accident. I knew she would die one day, just didn't think it would be when I was only 17. I'm so glad there are other people out there that feel the way about their aunts like I did and still do about my Auntie.

  • Jasmine by Jasmine
  • 16 years ago

My Aunt passed away February 22,2009 it was very hard for me because we were so close I rewrote the poem and it sound so beautiful and I couldn't thank this site because I didn't know how to start so thank you !!

  • Ericka by Ericka
  • 16 years ago

This poem really touched my soul. My aunt died on 2/15/09 and I was nominated by the family to write a poem. your poem gave me inspiration to write a poem about the happy times spent with my aunt.
Thank you for this lovely poem

  • alisa by alisa
  • 16 years ago

My Auntie Carrie passed away this morning, I as well did not get a chance to say good-bye. My Auntie Carrie raised me. I also did not think she could ever die, She was a very strong person who was always there when anyone needed her.

Thank You for this beautiful poem.

  • Jamie by Jamie
  • 16 years ago

my Aunt passed on from cancer, on NOV 17th 2008, and I came across this poem that was really heart touching, THANK YOU~!!!

  • Melanie by Melanie
  • 16 years ago

My Aunt passed away from a long courageous battle with cancer. She passed on my 34th birthday, a few days ago. It is so hard to say goodbye. I don't know how long it will take for this pain to go away. I know now she is in a better place and free for pain. She will be missed by so many people as she had touched so many peoples lives. Auntie Kim, if you are looking down from heaven above, please know that I love you and miss you so very much. Rest in peace......

  • Vanessa by Vanessa
  • 16 years ago

My Great-Aunt passed away on Mother's Day of 2007. The second verse especially hit home with me because I didn't get to say goodbye to my "Aunt Jean" and I really thought that she would never die.

  • danielle by danielle
  • 16 years ago

this touched me, my auntie died two year ago now, it still makes me cry a lot, I'm glad there's people out there who feel the same! its a wonderful poem

  • carmen by carmen
  • 16 years ago

my aunt died Thursday the 21st at 45 years of age of a heart attack.... this poem touched me to my is very beautiful!!

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