Growing Up Poem by Teens

Poem On 12 Year Old Pregnancy

I am a young mother, yes I know. I wanted to write this poem to express my feelings No one will listen its so hard I am scared but I will be strong

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I got pregnant at the age of 19. My bf was more shocked than I was. Abortion is illegal in Kenya and if it were legal,I wouldn't have opted for it either. I was in University and felt...

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I Can't Believe It's Me


Published by Family Friend Poems August 2008 with permission of the Author.

I can't believe this is me
I don't know what to do
all I can say is I'm scared and too young
I don't want to be a mom
I am only 12
I can't believe this is me
a young preteen mom
why did I do this
can someone help me be a mom
I have no one to talk to
I am being called a slut by all my friends
this is no fear
I am sooo stupid
12 with a baby
I can't believe it is me
will anyone listen to what I have to say
my parents won't even look at me
don't even know what I have to say
I am 8 months pregnant
I have a month to go
this baby is mine
who is growing in my belly             
I can't believe this is me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Sylvia by Sylvia, Kenya
  • 9 years ago

I got pregnant at the age of 19. My bf was more shocked than I was. Abortion is illegal in Kenya and if it were legal,I wouldn't have opted for it either. I was in University and felt comfortable because my parents didn't know anything about it. When it came to the end of the semester and I had to go home, I was afraid because my dad is very harsh and my mum is the unpredictable type. When I got home, I told my mum before she could realise it on her own and scold me but it turned out she was cool with it. My dad later realised and t turned out he was cool with it as long as I don't abort it. My parents supported me all through though I thought they would kick me out of the house. I now have a handsome baby boy who brings joy to my life. My bf still sticks around but I don't trust them anymore. KEEP YOUR BABIES GIRLS,THEY'RE A GREAT JOY AND PLEASE DON'T PREJUDGE YOUR PARENTS.

  • Brandon by Brandon, Yakima
  • 11 years ago

Hey I'm Brandon and I know how hard it is to be a teen parent, when I was 13 I got my girlfriend pregnant and it scared me so badly that I almost broke up with her...I didn't do it cuz I couldn't do that to her and so I stayed with her until this day and now I'm 17 and I have a very beautiful baby girl named Cyrus and I'm glad I stayed cuz those two girls are my life and I wouldn't have done it any other way.

  • Sammy by Sammy
  • 12 years ago

Hi, I'm turning 19 and about a month ago found out I was pregnant. I'm 3 months and was really scared until I heard the heart beat for the first time... Its a blessing, not a burden. I'm proud of people that are as young as 12 and are keeping their babies. It just proves that God chose the right person to be that child's angel... Keep your chin up and don't listen to peoples judgments they would never be able to be as strong as you are... They aren't worth your attention just look after yourself and that little bundle.

  • Emily Allen by Emily Allen, Memphis Tennessee
  • 12 years ago

I am 16 now. I had a baby at 13, I never wanted to have and I got called every name in the book but I know now that it is not my fault because I got raped and had a baby girl...I still blame myself from time to time but now am blessed with my sweet girl.

  • Kiano by Kiano, Penn
  • 12 years ago

I'm also 12 but I'm not pregnant but I was thinking about it me and my boyfriend but I don't want to mess up real bad because I don't have family support so you know hang in there and god bless you and the baby!!!!!

  • Alexis by Alexis, Tx
  • 13 years ago

Hey Sam,
I know it must be hard for you at the age of 12.
It's hard for me and that's cause I'm 16 and married.
God has blessed you.
And if you don't think you can raise her there's always adoption.
And as for your parents, don't worry.
They'll come around.
Mine were real upset, but only because I had to grow up so fast.
And my mom was also a teen mom and didn't want me to struggle like she did.
Just keep your head up ma.
God is and always will be with you.

  • Baylee by Baylee, Norman Ok
  • 13 years ago

My name is Baylee and I'm 14 years old and 8 months pregnant. You are a strong young lady. I think that maybe your parents are more-so mourning the loss of your childhood. They don't hate you. They are sad for you. It gets tough, but this is your child and your choice. You will do fine. Just fine. Hang in there.

  • Juju by Juju, Alabama
  • 14 years ago

I first got pregnant at the tender age of 11. I thought that having a baby would be fun but it turns out, it sucks. Mum got really angry at me when I told her I'm having a baby. It sucks. I am now 15 and pregnant with my second child. It sucks.

  • Melody by Melody
  • 14 years ago

Hang in there girl, I'm in the same position kind of I'm not 12 I'm 18 but I'm pregnant and confused . I'm only 2 months along but I'm so scared I'm still with the father of the baby but he doesn't treat me well he wants this baby but I know he won't be here for it . Your poem and the responses have lifted my spirits but it's young mums like us who have to look out for ourselves and our baby coz you can't depend on anyone

  • Jove by Jove
  • 14 years ago

I am not yet pregnant but I can relate with you.. I am 19 years is a blessing so continue.. God has a plan for you and your baby.. don't lose hope for there is God, our best friend to help us.. Cheer up my younger sister.. I'm your sister also..

  • Rose Watters by Rose Watters
  • 15 years ago

Hey, I've never been pregnant but I do know a girl in my school who is 14 and pregnant. If your not ready to have a baby of your own, maybe it would be a good idea to consider adoption even if it seems hard to do. But if you want to keep the baby, it may seem scary now but just make sure to love your baby with all your heart, because all babies want nothing but love..Good luck, and god bless.

  • Tina by Tina, Texas
  • 15 years ago

I was only 15, an honor student and pregnant. Didn't know how to tell my parents. We were raised in a religious family. I didn't want to make my family feel ashamed. I finally told them and it turned out to be ok. They see her as a blessing. Today she is 18 and there are 10 grandkids. She is the favorite. Grandpa wont hesitate to tell you that. Hang in there! Everything will be alright.

  • Kristina by Kristina
  • 15 years ago

I'm now 17 a high school drop out and I was scared at first as well...I'm currently 8months and know that I'm having a girl. I was really really scared cuz my past...I was raped by my own father...and then I thought I was going to end up like my mother. a single parent. I didn't want that. and it didn't happen. I was lucky enough to have the father of my lil girl still around. but once I saw her on ultrasound I was as happy as could be knowing I was giving life. that I was going to be holding my lil girl one day and I couldn't wait. just try to hang in there. its really worth it.

  • Chrissie by Chrissie
  • 15 years ago

I was pregnant at 17, out of high school.. thought my life was ending. It was scary I know how you feel.. even at age 12. Think of your baby, and how strong you need to be. Finish school, there is help out there for you. Don't listen to people who call you ridiculous names.. they just need to feel better about themselves. I am now 22.. I went back to school to set a good example for my baby, I wanted him to know no matter how many crazy hard things life throws at you, you can still succeed and catch your dreams. being a mother comes as natural as peeing in a toilet. yes it is scary, but at the same time comforting and exciting. You have a baby that will rely on you.. and look up to you. A beautiful baby so warm and innocent in your arms. As hard as life was for me.. I would not change a thing.

  • Karli by Karli
  • 15 years ago

I hope you are happy with the baby :) I am also 12 but I am not pregnant. It must be very hard having to deal with all of that. I feel very deeply for you.
You are extremely lucky to be blessed with a baby. Don't listen to the people who call you names. If I was your friend I wouldn't be like that. I would help you. You were blessed with a baby and I don't see how people could make fun of that. I hope you have a great life with the baby.

  • krystal by krystal
  • 16 years ago

I become pregnant just after I turned 17 I know that's a lot older than 12 but it is still young. I'm not with the father anymore he has nothing to do with his baby. When you hold your baby in your arms you will know what's right

  • rachael by rachael
  • 16 years ago

don't worry everything will be ok . I had my baby when I was 13 and now I'm 15 and she is a year n a half .
things are hard to start with but being a mum is the most rewarding thing in the world .

  • Shea And Clare by Shea And Clare
  • 16 years ago

Truthfully, I'm floored. I never have been pregnant, but I am twelve. I really can't believe... well, I really cant believe EITHER, that a kid my age could be a mom. You should be proud of yourself. I'm here for you, like all the other people here. Everything we'll be okay. Just wait.

  • Tiffany by Tiffany
  • 16 years ago

Everything will be ok I am 20 and I just had my first child and it was a lot of worries for me but I've learned to just stay positive and things and time will work themselves out. You are about to have you own family keep your head up and stay strong just remember God loves you and everything happens for a reason. Your parents will come around they are just a little in shock right now you are their little girl.

  • KEe by KEe
  • 16 years ago

I am not young, but I will tell you as a 21 year old women my husband and I have felt the calling from the Lord to reach out to young girls like you and let you know that these babies are a gift from God whether you feel like it today or not. I am so proud that you didn't abort that baby and that you are giving the child a chance to live just as your mother gave you a chance. You can change your life, your dreams can still live on, and you can be the best mom IN THE WORLD! you can also write if you ever have questions or if you need a place for the baby to go.

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