Spiritual Poem about Nature

Awareness Of God

At 97, I have witnessed so many things that have added to my belief. There is no way I could not believe, having had documented miracles, answers to critical needs, plus beautiful experiences. I look back on my lifetime and cannot see where I deserved the experiences that I have had, but it only tells me that we cannot underestimate God's love.

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I really love this poem. It really moved me. It is exceptionally well written with a soulful observation of the true miracles of life. I have a good friend that is many years older than...

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His Presence

© more by Alora M. Knight

Published by Family Friend Poems April 2018 with permission of the Author.

A friend of mine once asked me
Just how could I believe
In someone I never saw,
Nor spoken words received.

I thought, perhaps, I should explain
Just why I have no doubt
That it was God's creativeness
That brought this world about.

I only have to look around
To know that He is there.
I see and feel and hear Him.
That's why I'm so aware.

I see Him in the raindrops
That nourish trees and flowers.
I see Him in the rainbows
That sometimes follow showers.

I see Him in a mother's love
When looking at her child.
So thankful that this miracle
Is pure and undefiled.

I see Him in the wrinkled face
That's seen so many years,
Knowing it was faith in Him
That overcame all fears.

I hear Him when a meadowlark
Trills out its joyful song.
I hear Him when the thunder
Comes forth so loud and strong.

I see the beauty of Him
In the butterflies on wing.
The feathers of the peacock
Are the colors He can bring.

I feel Him when a playful breeze
Blows gently through my hair.
When the sun shines warmly on my face,
I know that He is there.

His strength shows in the mountains
And the ever pounding seas.
A kitten's purred affection
Shows how gentle love can be.

It's true I have no pictures
To hang upon my wall.
I do not need a portrait,
His presence to recall.

For those who wish to listen,
It is played throughout the land.
The symphony of life itself,
Directed by His hand.



Words have always been an important part of my life. My mother taught to read before I started school and coached me through winning spelling contests. I had to learn the meaning of the words, too. I've written books and articles for Salesian Inspirational Mission, Chicken Soup for the Sister's Soul, for newspapers and magazines, but receiving...

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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Ron Robins by Ron Robins
  • 4 years ago

I really love this poem. It really moved me. It is exceptionally well written with a soulful observation of the true miracles of life. I have a good friend that is many years older than me. She is 97 as well. She loves God very much, just as this poet does. I have learned that the elderly have so much to give, so much wisdom, so much to share.

Thank you, sincerely, for this beautiful poem.

Blessings, Ron

  • Gerald B. Giddingz by Gerald B. Giddingz
  • 4 years ago

I really like this poem. I liked the many ways in which the author described God's existence in everyday life. I am a firm believer in God. He is the cornerstone of my life and most of my writings. God is creator, teacher, friend, a light in the dark, Lord and Savior of one such as me. I see God in everyday life scenarios. He loves to show up and show off throughout my days, my life. He guides me through the rough times that we all fall into time to time. He met me where I was in my early days. He meets me here where I am. There is so much to be said about God and so many ways in which to say it. I choose poetry to give Him praise, although my life is where He needs to be seen most. I love poetry of all kinds, but poetry about our Lord and Savior really inspires me to be a better poet and a better person. Thank you for this wonderful poem.
-Jerry Giddings

  • Terri Sutton by Terri Sutton
  • 4 years ago

I teach 5th, 6th, and 7th at Vandalia Christian Academy. We memorize classic poems, but I wanted them to learn something they could share with their family and friends. We love this poem! So far they have memorized the first six stanzas, and we are starting on the next three.

  • Molly by Molly
  • 4 years ago

When I read this poem, I had to share it with my mom. We were both so touched by this poem. I think it’s such a great thing to tell people if they think God is not there. I appreciate this poem so much. I really love this, and I wish more people would write more poems like this one. I’m 10 and in 4th grade. For the last meeting we have I’m going to read this, and I hope that it will touch other people’s hearts also.

  • Debproshad Halder by Debproshad Halder, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
  • 6 years ago

The poem superbly asserts the presence of dear God in every single particle. A rainbow, a raindrop also bring on the revelation of Him.

Lovely words and very true and simply inspirational.

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