Spiritual Poem about Nature

The Beauty Of The Sky

A wise king once said that the heavens declare the glory of God. Each time I gaze at the skies, I couldn't agree more.

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Something About The Sky

© more by Abimbola T. Alabi

Published by Family Friend Poems June 2021 with permission of the Author.

The sky speaks without words,
Messages that warm my heart.
It never ceases to amaze me,
Like a timeless work of art.

How it stretches far and wide,
With neither beginning nor end.
A fingerprint of the Creator,
Far more than I can comprehend.

It assures me of His blessings,
In its marvelous way of adorning
Each day with the sunrise -
That they're new every morning.

Happy times are understood
By the radiant hues in the sky.
Rain drops from darker shades convey
That sometimes it's okay to cry.

Now and then in broad daylight,
The beauty a rainbow will afford,
Affirms how great it is I'm loved,
By He who always keeps His word...

The One who sets the stars in space
And calls them each by name;
The One who set me here by design
And upholds me just the same.

What more is needed to show
The sovereignty of the Most High?
I find enough each time I spare
A lingering gaze at the sky.


more by Abimbola T. Alabi

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