Spiritual Poem about Death

Grandma In Heaven

The poem was written for my grandmother after she passed away and went home to the Lord.

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My grandma passed away after I gave birth to my daughter. I don't know why God took her away. I am so sad. I cry every day! I miss her so much.

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Grandma Is A Beautiful Angel


Published by Family Friend Poems February 2008 with permission of the Author.

A beautiful angel is all that's here,
Saying, "Oh Lord, please leave me here."
Not ready to leave but has to go,
Wants to go back, but God says no.

A husband, children, grandchildren, and friends,
A meaningful life that suddenly ends.
An angel is what she was meant to be,
Now think of all the things that she can see.

Watching over her family night and day,
Saying, "I love you," in her own special way.
In the night we sleep, and in the day we cry,
While she watches us all from her star in the sky.


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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Libbi by Libbi, Turmine Australia
  • 11 years ago

My Nan passed away the day after I left for Melbourne to see my dad. The last words I said to her where I will see you when I get back which was only that Sunday. I feel really bad that I'm not going to her funeral. Because I would like to remember my Nan with the good times and memories I had with her. If I went to her funeral I would forget those times I spent with her and the memories with her. It happened with my cousin when he died I forgot all those fun times and memories from going to his funeral. I don't think I'm making the right choise but oh well. But at least tomorrow I am going to the review were I will see my Nan's body in the coffin. I reckon I will cry.

But that's my story of my Nan's death and why I'm not going to her funeral. xoxo Rip Elaine Jackson love you Nan

  • Paige by Paige
  • 12 years ago

My grandma Goldy died on December 19 2012-2013 she was the 2nd grandma that died and I'm only 10 years old. Last year my #1 grandma died and I'm not very Happy cause my other grandma died right before Christmas:(. It's very sad.

  • Katie by Katie, England
  • 12 years ago

This made me cry, in a good way!!
Its so sweet and reminded me of my Granny
She left us this day last year and I am going to see her tomorrow and I hope she's proud of me because I am so proud of her always a fighter!
I love her so much and miss her everyday she makes me smile and cry and just remember how things used to be, people say in time you will heal but I don't think I ever will because she took a big bit of my heart up to heaven with her but tonight I know she's out there because the biggest and brightest star is above my house looking down at us!

  • Allison by Allison, United States
  • 12 years ago

I went into labor on July 31, 2012. My water broke at exactly 2:05 am, and at 2:05 am exactly my grandmother passed away. It was touching to me to think that my baby and my grandmother passed each other on the way. Even though I didn't get to say goodbye, I got to say hello to my new beautiful daughter.

  • Rose by Rose
  • 5 years ago

My grandma passed away after I gave birth to my daughter. I don't know why God took her away. I am so sad. I cry every day! I miss her so much.

  • Chloe by Chloe, England
  • 12 years ago

I lost my Great Nan at the age of 5, and didn't get to say goodbye. But occasionally I would be sitting in my living room and the stereo would just randomly turn on, and each and every time that happens we all think that it's Great Nan saying "I love you". I will never forget her.

  • Larissa by Larissa
  • 12 years ago

I just Lost my mamaw yesterday at 3:30 am! we miss her she will be in our hearts forever! Love you beautiful angel!

  • Wayne by Wayne
  • 12 years ago

I lost my grandmother on Saturday from lung cancer so when I read this last night it hit home.

  • Sasha Il by Sasha Il
  • 13 years ago

I Love this poem, its very sweet and loving.
I lost my grandma on 10-19-08.
I was very close to her and I didn't get to say bye to her when she got taken.
I love this poem so much it reminds me of my grandma so much we were so close...
MARCH 4,1953 ~ OCTOBER 19,2008

  • Josh by Josh, USA
  • 14 years ago

The comment above is so beautiful. Last night, my momaw died. When I went to the hospital. All the other stars were not visible. But there was one shining, and then another appeared (which was my grandpa I believe) They are finally together!

  • Rose Williams by Rose Williams
  • 16 years ago

This really touched my heart! I just lost a two month old niece on September 13 2008 and the night after I was setting on my porch and there was only one star in the sky and her mom looked at me and said look I have always heard that when an angel goes to heaven it puts one more star in the sky and that is all there was, was one star and she said that all the other angels were stepping aside and letting her have her time to shine! This is a very beautiful poem!

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