Goodbye Friend Poem

My best friend, who has been the most amazing person ever, left school at the end of year eleven.

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I had my best friend commit suicide last year and it was hard for me. Being a cutter, I know the feeling of being alone a lot and without friends. This poem is touching to me because if he...

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Goodbye, Best Friend


Published by Family Friend Poems March 2011 with permission of the Author.

Things may change from this day on.
Here with us is where you belong.
Someone like you there is no other.
You're the closest thing I have to a brother.

You have only been in my life for quite a short while,
But even when I'm down you seem to make me smile.
That place in my heart you will always stay.
Such good memories, they will never fade away.

The tears I shed, I shed for you,
But now it's time to make your dreams come true.
For all the times you have helped me out,
A good future ahead of you, I have no doubt.

You gave me confidence, you gave me pride.
Even when you're gone I'll be by your side.
For all those fears in which we shared.
To say goodbye, I'm not prepared.

For you, I'll hold my head up high,
Keep myself strong to say goodbye.
It may hurt, and I may cry.
I think to myself and I wonder why.

What we'll do, I really don't know.
All I know is I will never let go.
You're a true friend, for that is true.
When I was down, I came to you.

I am so glad that we became friends,
But this isn't where our journey ends.
The memories we have will last forevermore.
I will always love you, for that I'm sure.

Always in my heart and in my heart you will stay.
I can't believe today's the day.
You made me stronger, and that I believe,
But now it's time to let you leave.


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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Zainab Mian by Zainab Mian
  • 6 years ago

i am very touched by this poem. I sent it to my ex best friend and I hope she feels the same as me.

  • Adrianna Maley by Adrianna Maley, Columbia City, IN
  • 7 years ago

I had my best friend commit suicide last year and it was hard for me. Being a cutter, I know the feeling of being alone a lot and without friends. This poem is touching to me because if he were still here I would give it to him to show him how much he meant to me and other people around him. We miss him.
(R.I.P Payton T. Tennison)

  • kumar5434 by kumar5434
  • 8 years ago

The poem is very touching, and yes, it explain friends as they are. I love to read such poem as I will soon have to leave my friends and start a new journey. Thanks for this; it made my friends more special to me.

  • Jamie by Jamie, Melbourne Australia
  • 13 years ago

My best friend (Pete) means the world to me and just by reading this amazing poem I started to cry....I never want to lose him because he means the world to me. Man you made me cry the a freaking baby.
Absolutely the most outstanding poem I have read so far about Goodbyes

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