Goodbye Friend Poem

A Friend For A Short Time

A friendship for a moment or a season may be more meaningful than a lifelong friend.

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On January 6, 2016, I met a new friend at school. We didn't know each other, but she was new in school and she didn't know where her 3rd period class was. She came up to me and asked me, so I...

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To My Friend


Published by Family Friend Poems June 2007 with permission of the Author.

I am so glad I met you.
Although our acquaintance wasn't long,
You have made a big impact in my life.
It is thanks to you
That I've remained strong.

Your friendship means the world to me.
Believe me, it truly does,
And I just wanted you to know that
From me, you will always find love.

Now we are going our separate ways,
Maybe never to meet again.
As long as our friendship holds true,
Our connection will forever stand.

We may not have been best friends,
But that is just a title,
For the kind of friendship we do share
Is more active than it is idle.

I am going to miss you.
I know we said we would keep in touch,
But that is what everyone always says,
But it never seems to mean much.

So this is why I am telling you now
How much you truly mean to me,
Because anything could happen in the future,
Tomorrow is something I may never see.

Yes, I am going to miss you,
And I wish you the very best.
Please always try to remember
That you are truly blessed!


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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Malhar Gupte by Malhar Gupte
  • 6 years ago

I had a friend, and we were best friends in the class. Then a day came when I did something that hurt him. Though he talks with me, it’s not like he did before my mistake. Hurting him was not intentional. I just wanted to let him know something he was doing shouldn’t be done by him, but he took it to heart.

  • Nathalia-shorty by Nathalia-shorty
  • 8 years ago

On January 6, 2016, I met a new friend at school. We didn't know each other, but she was new in school and she didn't know where her 3rd period class was. She came up to me and asked me, so I helped her. We both had the same class together. We got to know each other for such a short time. It was only 5 months we knew each other but now it's almost 1 year. Over the summer she moved and now we barely text or talk. We never got to see each other again after she moved. Now she lives 1 hour away, and I miss her so much and those great moments we had for the first 5 months. And here we are, far apart from each other. She has a better life. She barely texts me. She has a boyfriend and it hurts me when she say she is "busy" but when she is actually with her boyfriend. I'm glad we met, but the distance between us makes me think our friendship won't work. It's hard to say goodbye to a friend.

  • Michael by Michael, Colorado
  • 12 years ago

Truth is I'm going to be leaving some good friends of mine very soon, and this is a good way to say good bye. This poem is quite a piece of work lol thank you for helping me say goodbye.

  • Austin by Austin, Tucson AZ
  • 12 years ago

Yes, this has happened to me, my dear friend moved away and I was devastated... I still text her and all but its not the same.. I really miss her, but alas there is nothing I can do to change it....This poem is very well written and brings back some fond memories with her so for that I thank you.

  • Frough by Frough
  • 14 years ago

Yes I also had the same experience. we were supposed to be in touch in future but it never happened. I am surprised when a relationship between two people is valuable why do some people miss it?!!!!

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