Loss Poem

One Day I'll See You Again

Poem about the pain of losing a loved one

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I had a missed miscarriage at 8 weeks pregnant, something I had never heard of but was told is more common than we think. I ache with every inch and hurt with every bone. People say in time...

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God's Angel


Published by Family Friend Poems August 2011 with permission of the Author.

How do I say this
And where do I start
Everything hurts
Especially my heart
It hurts me so much
That I can't see you anymore
I wish I got to say my goodbyes
Before you walked in God's door
It makes me feel better
You're an angel in heaven
You're happy and at peace
And one day see you again
I miss and love you deeply
And I try not to cry
But I know I'll see you later
So this is not my goodbye


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  • Gemma Anne Richardson by Gemma Anne Richardson, Galashiels
  • 10 years ago

I had a missed miscarriage at 8 weeks pregnant, something I had never heard of but was told is more common than we think. I ache with every inch and hurt with every bone. People say in time it will heal and get better but I don't think it ever will, I will learn to live with losing my baby like I learned to live with out my grandmothers but the pain will never go nor the emptiness in my heart. xx

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