Friendship Poem by Teens

Poem About A Best Friend Being More Than A Friend

Dedicated to my true friend, Selina Hussain

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Lost my hubby 5 months ago. I miss him every day. I wanted to get over it, but I've been unable to do that. I haven't managed to occupy the whole bed. I miss everything we shared together. He...

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Friends Always

© more by Chelsea Madden

Published by Family Friend Poems April 2015 with permission of the Author.

A best friend
is not a just a friend,
but also like your soul
that stays with you
and takes risks with you,
with every step of your roles,

Someone to share deeper inner secrets with,
someone to cry on when you're in doubt,
someone whom you can depend on,
and never judge you
for your mistakes.

Everyone needs at least one best friend,
even those who show no pain,
because it hurts to hold it all in,
even on a rainy day,

A true friend is not just a friend,
but like a guardian angel from above,
one who looks after you,
as the rest give up and run.

A best friend is also like a mother,
who shows you guidance along the way,
who'll pick you up
when you fall,
and when you cause yourself pain,
who'll do anything for you,
no matter what comes in the way,

So don't be afraid to find one,
as you'll soon see a true one,
someone who'll do the same for you,
as you would do for them.


more by Chelsea Madden

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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Akku Kum by Akku Kum
  • 5 years ago

I am in high school. I have made a lot of friends, but I lack a true soulmate kind of friend with whom I could share my each and every thought. And this poem not only impressed me but also touched the core of my heart.

  • Isabel by Isabel
  • 7 years ago

Lost my hubby 5 months ago. I miss him every day. I wanted to get over it, but I've been unable to do that. I haven't managed to occupy the whole bed. I miss everything we shared together. He was funny and made our home lively. People expect someone to just bounce back to life and feel nothing. It seems like life went back to normal for other people.

  • Anuradha by Anuradha
  • 7 years ago

Brings back cheerful memories spent with friends during school days and in the university. Miss my friends.

  • Aldho Zikrovan .P by Aldho Zikrovan .P, Bintaro/Tangerang/Indonesia
  • 9 years ago

I am writing to you because I like your poem, "Friends Always". I am a student in High Scope Bintaro in Indonesia. I like your poem because it is quite impressive and it is also inspiring. Your poem makes me remember my best friend from my last school. Your poem also shows us how real friends should act. You are also true about a best friend who is like our soul that stays with us. This poem explains clearly that a best friend is not just a friend.
I can imagine the poem clearly. You have a lot of strong words to put in your poem. I look forward to reading and enjoying more of your thoughts put to paper.

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