I Miss You Poem

Poem About Forbidden Love

This poem was inspired by my feelings for a man whom it was impossible for him to love me back for reasons I wish not to divulge. I spoke to this man about how I felt and both of us loving poetry decided to write a poem about it.

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This poem has touched me deeply because I'm in love with someone that is about 6-7 years older than I am, and my family can't get over the age factor. He's my best friend. He's been there for...

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Forbidden Love


Published by Family Friend Poems January 2008 with permission of the Author.

I love you with a love that's forbidden, yet I can't stop.
You make me feel like no man has ever made me feel before.
With just a look I swoon.
I dream of your arms around me, your lips on mine.
When you look at me,
my soul shudders with joy.
My heart skips a beat.
In my dreams I am sexy to you, and there's no end to the pleasure I can give you.
I am loving you with a soft, gentle love
that would shake you to the core.
In my dreams I feel you near me,
around me,
in me.
I want to love you openly
without fear or reservation,
but this is a forbidden love,
so I hide it,
keep it in secret and love you only in my dreams.
For only in my dreams am I acceptable to you.
Only in my dreams can my fantasies be realized.


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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Trendity Firestone by Trendity Firestone
  • 7 years ago

This poem has touched me deeply because I'm in love with someone that is about 6-7 years older than I am, and my family can't get over the age factor. He's my best friend. He's been there for me when I became homeless. He was there when my father disowned me. He was there when I got diagnosed with cancer. He was there when I wanted to give up. He's been there for everything in my life. I was there when his mom disowned him and he had no other family to go to. I was there when he found out his ex lied about miscarrying his child, whom she is refusing to let him see. We have literally been there for each other for 2 years, and just recently my family told me that I wasn't allowed to see him anymore and I needed to get over him. They won't tell me a reason or an explanation of what's going on. I sometimes go to his work and secretly give him a kiss and a hug and tell him I love him when I get off work so I can see him, but I'm afraid that if I don't see him soon I'm going to lose my mind.

  • Liz Roc by Liz Roc
  • 7 years ago

Well, I'm in love with my step-cousin, and I think he may also be in love with me. See the problem is even though we aren't related by blood, we still grew up being taught we are cousins. I met him when I was about seven years old and we would talk every now and then. I usually made him coffee and food because he likes to eat, but then when I was about 15 we started finding each other and getting along very well. We danced and went out together. He was the first and only guy I've ever danced with. He even taught me how to dance. I did not know that I love him until maybe a month ago. I realized I love him when his father came up to me and told me that he can see the love I have for his son in my eyes. I thought that he was crazy and probably had one too much for the day, but then later that night while I was lying in bed, I realized that it's true. I love him. I realized that I would not be able to live my life without him. I want to be with him for the rest of my life. I love him...

  • Al Fray by Al Fray
  • 7 years ago

Hi dear, I know just how you feel. I am in love with a man I refer to others as my uncle, though he really isn't. Thing is our families would never let us be together and there are so many factors blocking that topic, but one thing I know for sure is I will never stop loving him, and I know he won't either.

  • Becca Hamilton by Becca Hamilton
  • 7 years ago

Aw, I felt so emotional when I read this. I will write my story. I love a man, his name is Jake. But he had a girlfriend, and he didn't even know that his girlfriend was cheating on him, so one day I saw his girlfriend was kissing a boy, and she held his hand. I took the picture of her kissing him then I showed it to Jake and I told him that I love him. He said he didn't even realize that she would cheat on him. Then he said you are more beautiful than that girl. I said thanks love. He said I love you too!! And I was surprised and thankful. Then we both kissed! Then we both got married, and we both were so happy. I was 19 years old that time, and now I am 25 years old, and Jake is 25 years old too. Now we are living a happy family. We have a baby girl! :)

  • Purba Ghosh by Purba Ghosh, Kolkata, Hiland Park
  • 7 years ago

This one is touching. I am inspired by your thoughts.

  • Karrie William by Karrie William
  • 8 years ago

OMG... Your poem is my current situation. We used to work together (we still stay in contact) and when we saw each other, all of our personal problems would go away. We would talk about different scenarios and how we would handle them. I didn't even know I was in love with him, until it was too late!!! I want to love him openly without any fears....

  • Rosalie B by Rosalie B
  • 9 years ago

This poem felt so real to me. Thank you so much because this perfectly describes how I feel. I am hopelessly in love with my history teacher who is way older (early 50's or late 40's) and married with kids! Those four things make this love forbidden beyond repair, but I can't stop but feel like exactly what you said in your poem when he looks at me in or outside of class. I'm going crazy, thank you for expressing how I feel to my forbidden love.

  • Jessica B. by Jessica B.
  • 8 years ago

This is literally me, too!!! Forbidden love can be dangerous, exciting, but ultimately painful.

  • Buddy Hnamte by Buddy Hnamte, Aizawl
  • 10 years ago

I thought to be so much in love with someone who didn' love you back was the height of heartbreak, but to be so totally in love with someone who love you back like you do, but who still is in the middle of a relationship is totally different. You don't want her to break their relationship for your account because you know it's wrong and even though she knows their relationship isn't going anywhere, she knows it's wrong to break-up and hurt the other guy just because she found a new and better one.

  • Deanna by Deanna, California
  • 11 years ago

I'm so much in love with a married man. With one drunken kiss, I was his. We've seen or talked to each other every day since. I doubt he'll ever leave his wife although he says they're finished. I feel like a fool. I can't stop. I've lost so much because of him. These poems I've read make me feel so much better to know I'm not the only one who has ever gone through this madness.

  • Bernard-Carter by Bernard-Carter, #ghana
  • 11 years ago

This poem gets me very emotional because I loved a girl in high school 7 years ago, she also felt the same way but I wasn't't bold enough to declare how I felt about her and now she's going out with someone else. She told me she was expecting me to tell her I love her but since I didn't she thought I didn't love her. Now we matured about completing university, I wish she was mine but can't wish her bad luck in her relationship though it's the only way I can have a chance. She told me ,we should wait for what the future will bring. Still hoping.

  • Jeas by Jeas, Philippines
  • 11 years ago

I'm in a relationship with a married man (he and his wife separated but not legal) and he happens to have a baby with other woman too. My parents don't know about it and if they will find out surely they will do anything to keep us apart. I fall for this man for he is caring, sweet, and knows how to handle my attitude and he always give me a hand, a shoulder to cry on,... I found everything on him the thing I was looking for a man to love forever more... but I guess that forever will remain a dream...

  • J by J, Usa
  • 12 years ago

This poem touched me because right now I'm in a relationship with the father of my children whom I've been with since high school but I have a secret love too with someone who is very close to us. I feel so guilty but I have a longing for something more and the other person gives me a lil piece of youth back. Mainly, because he is also 10 years younger than me. At first it felt bad but then I think I've fallen deeper than I should and same for him. He tells me he loves me everyday and he wants to be with only me. Its crazy and my hearts so torn but the heart wants what the heart wants.

  • Alex by Alex, USA
  • 12 years ago

This one speaks to my soul and everything I'm going through. The way he looks at me makes my knees shave and my heart screams out for his love. My head tells me its wrong but my heart tells me its right. He is my forbidden love. I love you SWL.

  • Lilygrace by Lilygrace, Saudi Arabia
  • 12 years ago

I love reading this page. It relates the stories of my life (not all), very inspirational and very touching stories. I wish one day I can share too. Lots of thanks for the founder of this and for everyone who shared all these.

  • Neyshell Villanueva by Neyshell Villanueva
  • 15 years ago

I just hate sharing stories about forbidden love! All I know is that it hurts so much to know that you love somebody who is not capable of loving you back or the other way, somebody who loves you just as you do but can't give it back to you! It's the same story and it's my story!

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