Special Friend Poem

The Happiness A Special Friend Brings To Your Life

I'm no poet, but I enjoy poetry. I never thought I would ever be posting a poem online, but then I also never thought I would meet Julie, the most amazing woman who has ever come into my 62-year-old life. There's not enough space here to tell the story, but in any case the story has only just begun. Why am I posting this poem? Because I want the world to know that it's never too late in life to find your destiny. When I found Julie, I found mine.

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For Julie

Doogie ©

Published by Family Friend Poems March 2019 with permission of the Author.

Many things can make me happy, many things can make me smile,
many things can make life wonderful, make it all seem so worthwhile.
But nothing makes me happier than the special friend I've found.
Life couldn't feel more wonderful whenever you're around.
In the short time since I met you, I've soon become to know
how special you are to me, much more than you could know.
Whenever we're together, my life feels so complete.
I feel so blessed with fortune that we got the chance to meet.
You really are so beautiful; your smile could light the dark.
Your touch, your kiss, your soft embrace bring such warmth to my heart.
If I had only one wish, then I know what that would be.
I'd wish that how I feel for you is how you'd feel for me.
If my wish were ever to come true, this vow I make to you.
I'd cherish you 'til the end of time and always be there for you.
I'd care for and protect you and I'd never let you down.
I'd be your rock at those times when you need someone around.
I'd stand by you through bad times and keep you safe from harm.
I'd be you're guardian angel, and you'd be my good luck charm.
Life would be a great adventure with you there by my side,
building memories of happiness as I hold your hand with pride.
And as time slowly slips away and we're growing old with grace,
I'd still adore you just as much as when first I saw your face.
If this seems like a crazy dream, well maybe that is true,
but my dream became reality the day I met you.
I know life isn't always fair; we can't always have our way,
but maybe time will play a hand, so I'll live in hope... someday.
So live your life; be happy and may good things come your way.
May you realize your hopes and dreams as life goes by each day.
And as we travel through our lives,
with new adventures to be found,
just remember this old friend here because I'll always be around.
And wherever life may take you and no matter where or when,
your special place within my heart will be there until the end.


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