Special Friend Poem

Poem About Friends That Feel Like Sisters

You don't have to be birth sisters to feel that special sisterly bond. This is dedicated to my sister Aditi.
Aditi, I really love you, and you'll remain my true sister forever.

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I've always been teased for no reason and I have these two amazing wonderful best friends that are more like sisters I love them too death and hopefully we stay like that

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True Sisters


Published by Family Friend Poems May 2008 with permission of the Author.

We may not be sisters by birth,
But somewhere deep within me,
I feel I've known you forever.
You're my true sister, FOREVER.

You're my angelic sister,
Held close to my heart.
We were friends by God's choice
But sisters by our own.

You're so pure,
You're so true,
You're so beautiful,
You're my true sister forever.


  • Stories 4
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  • Rating 4.40
Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Madie by Madie, Aus
  • 10 years ago

I've always been teased for no reason and I have these two amazing wonderful best friends that are more like sisters
I love them too death and hopefully we stay like that

  • Danni-Ann by Danni-Ann, Kent
  • 10 years ago

I have a friend that is close to my heart she has always been for me through everything even when I have my up and down days she is by my side and isn't afraid to ask me what is wrong and to ask me if I am okay and to see if I need anything. We may not be sister's through birth but in my heart she is like a sister to me and she knows me inside out and can read me like a book.

  • Dreama King by Dreama King, Mesa Az
  • 11 years ago

Me and my friend we went through some rough patches in our friendship now we say we're sisters because we spent our friendship so long we call our self sisters. Nothing can get between us, sometimes we fight it's only because we are being more like sisters.

  • Jenny by Jenny, US
  • 14 years ago

I have always had a tough life. being teased and all because of my look and weight, but I found 2 best friends in my life that are like sisters to me! they are always there for me and I know always will. I love them so much they're like my sisters.

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