In Memory Poem

Poem For Deceased Mom's Birthday

On the occasion of her mother's birthday who has passed away, this poet sends out her love on the wings of an angel.

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I can sincerely relate to this poem. Every year I celebrate my deceased daughter's and grandson's birthdays. I lost them in a car accident in 2004. Birthdays have always been special in my...

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For A Mother's Birthday


Published by Family Friend Poems July 2006 with permission of the Author.

As each passing day goes by
A tear falls from my eye
With each day passing me
A memory comes to mind
Without you by my side
Tears and memories compile
Until we meet again
My memories will form a mountain
A mountain unclimbable
My tears will form an ocean
An ocean uncrossable
You are my angel
You are my light
Guiding me through my days
And protecting my nights
You may be gone
But you're not forgotten
You're my angel now
But my Mommy you'll be
Until we meet again
I cry these tears
I release these memories
I shall climb my mountain
I will cross my ocean
One day soon
I will be at your side
I will be in your arms
I shall be safe once more

Happy Birthday Mommy
Love will be on the wings of my angel!!


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I can sincerely relate to this poem. Every year I celebrate my deceased daughter's and grandson's birthdays. I lost them in a car accident in 2004. Birthdays have always been special in my family. So nice to know there are other people also who keep that tradition going for their loved ones!

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