Anger Poem

Family Breaking Apart Poem

Regardless of the hardships that live in your past, you stand alone. You can depend on yourself and your friends to pull your life together.

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Such a beautiful poem. I know that I have parents that argue and fight all the time, but they are still together. I understand that it must be very hard for you to live with your parents like...

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My Water My Blood


Published by Family Friend Poems November 2006 with permission of the Author.

Is your family still together, just like way back when?
Do you stick by each other through thick and thin?

Or do you hardly know the one that you call brother?
And do you ponder why you seldom talk to mother?

It wasn't always this way, I can recall there was a time...
We were all together and we were doing fine.

We all have our problems, please don't get me wrong...
But I can remember a time when life was still a song.

So much has happened to tear us into pieces...
Broken hearts never mended and hatred still increases...

Once I became an adult and reality banged on my door,
I realized that this was not a family anymore...

It is small and broken, some here and there...
Left to wonder who really cares.

It brings a storm of resentment from what has become...
The events of this torn home left me feeling numb.

Even though I now have a life that I cherish
I love my family and I would never let perish...

The foundation I've built from what I've learned...
The feeling of warmth for which I yearned.

I once missed the ways I learned to live without...
No stronger than the flame which we blew out.

Now I've built a fire and it lights up the sky...
With a deep devotion that I will never let die.

Your family is there, whether you want it or not...
It just depends on who you've got.

Blood doesn't make us more loyal than a friend...
Nor does it establish who's there in the end.

Let them go if they just never pulled through.
Sometimes you find, you'll always have to.

I never took it straight to the heart...
Just thought of it as two worlds apart.

So it stands today that I feel whole...
Regardless of the past that lives within my soul.


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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Avneet by Avneet, Australia
  • 6 years ago

Such a beautiful poem. I know that I have parents that argue and fight all the time, but they are still together. I understand that it must be very hard for you to live with your parents like that, but I believe that seeing your parents not talk is better than seeing your parents talk insults at each other or hitting each other. Times like this are tough, but they don't last. Remember that because tough people do, and to be able to express your feelings into a poem like that shows what you put up with and how tough you are. Sometimes things in life aren't always great, but through these sorts of hard times we are made tough. We can face a whole world full of many violent things, stronger than ever!

  • Destiny Marie Hack by Destiny Marie Hack, Indiana
  • 10 years ago

This really touched my heart and it related so much to my life. I'm 15 now and having been looking for something just like this.
When I was little I had my mom, dad and brother... but as time passed my parents split I lived with my grandparents my brother got sent away and I felt hatred to my family for the pain I felt inside. My mom and dad got sent to prison for drugs and I felt alone I had nobody and nobody to talk to. Things have gotten better but like in the poem I have my mom and her new husband as my family I have my dad and his new family and my grandparents and it gets hard because my mom hates my dad and my dad hates my mom and my grandparents can't do anything... so it's like living a life with 3 ties. I'm going to keep this poem for every time I'm down just to know I'm not alone in the end.

  • Crystal by Crystal
  • 8 years ago

Wow...I just read what you are going through and went through. You are the same age as my oldest son. I'm far from a perfect mother, and I've made my mistakes, but I know my children know I love them, and no matter how big or small our family gets, I will be here and my children are #1....You didn't deserve to be in the middle of any of that, and my heart breaks for you. I'm glad you find comfort in this poem...I do family was very close once, and I'd love to have it back, but I have to believe that we all went our separate ways for a reason. Love Crystal Xo

  • Michelle by Michelle
  • 8 years ago

I hear on what you are saying. My daughter is 34, doing drugs and has 2 of my granddaughters with her. She's running from the law and child services. They are sleeping in their car and eating what they can find. My daughter doesn't talk to me anymore, and this all happened in the last 4 years. My granddaughters have never been to school. They have no idea what is going on. I don't know what to do. I feel so helpless and all alone. And that there is no one who understands.

  • Niana by Niana, Tennessee
  • 12 years ago

I think this is beautiful. I once wrote on family about family freshmen year of high school, and everyone seemed to like it. as I was reading yours, I was comparing the two. it's inspiring how high you put your standards and how much I'm sure you've been through to write such an amazing poem. Awesome Job. Keep writing, you're wonderful!

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