Falling in Love Poem

Poem About Falling For The Right Person

This poem captures the ups and downs of falling in love.

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I've always wondered what it feels like to fall in love. What do my emotions look like on paper? What do I look and act like from someone else's eyes?

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Published by Family Friend Poems September 2015 with permission of the Author.

I'm standing on the edge
My toes hanging off the side
The wind blows sweetly
Rustling my hair
And relaxing me
Causing me to lean towards the void
All around me
I hear his voice whispering
"You're beautiful" and
"I'll always be there for you"
I close my eyes
And I can feel his hand in mine
And his arms wrapped around me
Then my head is filled with memories     
Of his lips
Pressed against mine
In the softest manner
And then
I've fallen in love with him
And it's the most exuberant feeling
The air rushes around me
And makes me lightheaded
It's like I'm flying
And nothing can stop me
All I hear is his voice
Telling me I'm the only one for him
I hit the ground
Which seems to materialize underneath me
And for months I lay there
And crying
People try to help me up
But I don't let them
All I can think of
Is him
How could he make me fall for him
When he had no intention
Of catching me

Then you come along
You mend my brokenness
And help me to my feet
And before I know it
I'm on top of the building again
And yet again
The wind blows
Trying to push me off the edge
But this time
I brace myself
I don't want to fall
And get hurt
A second time
I try to back away from the edge
But something stops me
I hear your voice
Calling to me from below
"I will never break your heart
I swear"
I move toward the side of the building
I picture the times we've talked for hours
The times you've held me when I cried
The times you stuck by my side
When no one else would
"I'll never hurt you like he did"
You whisper this in my ear
As I drift off to sleep one night
I never remembered until now
And yet again
The feeling is amazing
Only this time
It doesn't end with brokenness
Instead I land in your arms
In your heart


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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Akou Amewounou by Akou Amewounou
  • 6 years ago

I've always wondered what it feels like to fall in love. What do my emotions look like on paper? What do I look and act like from someone else's eyes?

  • Tanveen Arna by Tanveen Arna
  • 6 years ago

I was looking for a piece of poetry to ease my restless soul, and going through this poem I've found inner peace... I think that's the biggest achievement of a poem.

  • NeverForget by NeverForget
  • 7 years ago

I don't know why, but this poem made me cry. I just love it.

  • Justme by Justme
  • 7 years ago

This poem is incredibly touching. It is awesome. Thank you for writing such beautiful words.

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