Cheating Poem

For A Friend Who Is Hurting From A Broken Heart

When your heart is broken and you feel nothing but pain, you must try to be strong and think enough is enough. You don't have to put up with the way that things are. You have the power to put an end to it. It's so hard when you have kids and you try to keep your marriage going for them, but sometimes it is better for them and for you if you just walk away.

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An eloquent poem that expresses angst and remorse in a very brogue matter. Without any cacophony, this poem is extremely idyllic and, though long, is not a litany to the eye.

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Enough Is Enough

© more by Ilona M. Blake

Published by Family Friend Poems June 2019 with permission of the Author.

I'm so very sorry
and just wanted to say
I know you are deciding
Should I go or should I stay?

Having been there myself,
I can sense all the strain.
I remember your hurt
And feel sorry for your pain.

You do not deserve this.
You are worth so much more.
Take a deep breath and tell him
To walk out that door.

Because you don't need him.
You're too good of a find.
You're gentle and loving
And been nothing but kind.

Please don't blame yourself.
You have been a good wife.
You've done all that you can
To create a happy life

For you and for your kids,
And sadly for him, too.
You've supported and forgiven him,
Through and through.

Yes, you'll miss your kiddies
When they are not there,
But just always show them
How much you love and care.

You're a beautiful mum,
And your kids will be okay
Because you'll be there for them
To help them on their way.

But they'll help you, too.
They'll be by your side.
They'll pick up your pieces
And help you take life in its stride.

So shower them with kisses
And hold them extra tight,
And they will always
Make you feel all right.

It's not fair on your kids,
And it's not fair on you.
Both your heart and your head
Are telling you what you should do.

He has lied and he's cheated
From the very start.
He's lost your trust,
And he's broken your heart.

You just cannot continue
To live in such fear,
To be hurt over and over
Through each day and each year.

But it is a hard decision
To actually make the call,
To say that it's over,
Finally once and for all

And even though you'll be sad
And do nothing but cry,
Feel the need to crawl in a ball
And just want to die,

There is light in the tunnel
After you get through the dark.
Somehow you will manage
To relight that spark.

There'll be a weight lifted off.
You'll be able to see.
Slowly your heart will heal,
And you'll actually feel free.

The burden will ease and
You will slowly rebuild.
Look forward to a future
Where your dreams are fulfilled.

Some soul searching time
Is just what you need
To help you get through this,
Move forward and proceed.

To be happy again,
Both inside and out.
To not have to pretend
When you're out and about.

Life is like a roller coaster
With its ups, downs, twists, and turns.
It's time to be selfish.
It's you this concerns.

So know I am just
But a phone call away,
And I am always here
Each and every day.

Please let me know
If there is anything I can do.
You need a shoulder to cry
Or just someone to talk to.

So although you are down
And at this moment, life is rough,
I know you can get through this.
Enough is enough!


more by Ilona M. Blake

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  • Evan Wu by Evan Wu
  • 5 years ago

An eloquent poem that expresses angst and remorse in a very brogue matter. Without any cacophony, this poem is extremely idyllic and, though long, is not a litany to the eye.

  • Kumari Weerasooriya by Kumari Weerasooriya
  • 5 years ago

A lovely poem which expresses the beauty of a genuine soul which is very rare in this hypocritical world. It's a blessing to the whole universe.

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