Brother Death Poem

Poem About Loss Of Brother And Friend

Dear readers, my name is Mark. My big-hearted little brother took his life away with a gun April 3, 2014. So thoughtful of others and kind he was. He let emotions and resentment of rejection get to him. He suffered headaches, and doctors gave him too many pills all mixed up, and
sad he was. I can only pray that he has found peace and that God does forgive him. Too proud and afraid of more rejection for apologies and now we suffer with his loss. My sweet, caring, kind little brother, Clive.

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On 1/07/20 my brother died of an overdose. He was only 35. He struggled with drug and alcohol abuse for years. He just never could kick the stuff. It had such a grasp on him. He left this...

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Dear Clive


Published by Family Friend Poems June 2014 with permission of the Author.

I will never know the whole reason why
You felt you had to die.

Your life had meaning and you are loved
By people here and God above.

Your caring heart and kind ways
Make me think of better days.

We all make mistakes and should learn form them.
Don't hold a grudge, best to forgive.

Hard to say I'm sorry in life.
Pride leads to so much strife.

For so long you were in pain,
Suffered so much from the strain.

People can be cruel and say harsh words.
Lots of pain and little to gain.

I send to you my love,
Wishing you well and give you a hug.

In God I trust to take your hand,
Bring you to tranquility and peace.

Rest well, little brother and my friend.
I will miss you to the end.


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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Kristen  Braz by Kristen Braz
  • 4 years ago

As I sit here bawling.....Today is my little brothers birthday, September 6, 2020. He too took his life 8 years ago. He hung himself in his room at our family home, while we were all there. It was by far, the worst day of my life. I suffer from it almost every day. He was my little brother, my only sibling, and he is gone forever. I also lost my dad 2 yrs ago, heart failure. I can’t help but know he really died of a broken heart!! I miss my brother Brett, so badly, I can’t even look at his picture, still. I have been reading all the stories of people just like me, and the pain we deal with. I am now going to sit down and write a poem for my brother.....And, no, you never get over the loss.

  • Isaac Lang by Isaac Lang
  • 5 years ago

On 1/07/20 my brother died of an overdose. He was only 35. He struggled with drug and alcohol abuse for years. He just never could kick the stuff. It had such a grasp on him. He left this world with 5 kids. It's been terrible this last 24 or so hours. And I know things aren't even close to getting better. We lost our Mom in 2016 and I'm still grieving from her loss. This poem just really hit home with my brother though. A week before he died, we were talking about forgiveness and not holding grudges. So weird. I'm writing his obituary and I thought I'd look online for a nice poem to put in the local paper in addition to the obituary.

  • Samantha De Vries by Samantha De Vries, Germany
  • 8 years ago

I know how that feels. I lost my 19 year old brother by suicide last year 29th August. I didn't understand why he chose to die but I hope he is happy now as an angel. Does someone have tips on how to cope with this? I really don't know how and I would like to stop crying every time I see something of him.

  • Kimberly by Kimberly, Ontario Canada
  • 10 years ago

My brother also killed himself with a gun. He was 23 and left behind a 3 years old son. It was 10 years ago today. There is so much stigma attached to talking about suicide.
I miss my brother everyday.

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