Son Death Poem

Comfort After Dreaming Of Son Who Passed

I wrote this poem after having a dream about my 32-year-old son who passed away on Christmas Eve 2009. I feel that God gave me one more waltz, one more dance with him. I miss him with every beat of my heart, but I know that someday...we will dance again.

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I, too, lost my son in a horrible car wreck on January 30, 2016. His niece was driving and his girlfriend was in the back seat. My son was in the passenger's seat. Car was t-boned on my son's...

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Dance Again

© more by Lisa Hart

Published by Family Friend Poems March 2014 with permission of the Author.

I see a waltz frozen in time,
dancing and spinning, spinning and dancing.
My ear pressed up against his chest,
I hear his heartbeat over and over again.
Spinning and dancing, dancing and spinning,
in this...our frozen waltz in time.

Through the mist of this dance,
I see a small ray of light.
I know in my heart this must be the sun,
inch by inch...
I feel its warmth, slowly melting our frozen waltz in time.

I cry out to the sun,
no, please go away...
please don't wake me and make my waltz go away.
Let me continue dancing and spinning
and spinning and dancing in this...
our frozen waltz in time.

Yet...the sun keeps coming,
rising higher and higher,
melting away this frozen waltz
that I have danced with you for so long.

Again, I cry out.
No, please go away.
My hands are slipping, and I can't hold on,
and the sound of his heart is fading away.
Please sun...leave us alone.

The sun is now above me,
and the dance floor has disappeared,
but tell me sun, please tell me,
why my frozen waltz is no longer here?

Then I opened my eyes, I started to smile,
It was just a dream.
My son and me in this frozen time,
dancing and spinning and spinning and dancing,
in this frozen waltz in time.

Thank you, God, for one more waltz,
one more dance with him,
and when I close my eyes tonight,
please let me dance again.


more by Lisa Hart

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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Amy by Amy
  • 8 years ago

I, too, lost my son in a horrible car wreck on January 30, 2016. His niece was driving and his girlfriend was in the back seat. My son was in the passenger's seat. Car was t-boned on my son's side and he was thrown from the car.
Major Head trauma, with the major artery to the heart cut... they tried to bring him back but too much blood loss and head trauma. He would've been 18 years old on February 5 (5 days after his death). He also graduated on June 11.
I know God has a plan, but the loss is so hard! I'm lost, numb, don't know who I am anymore!

Miss him sooooo much!

My prayers go out to both of you !!

  • Leona by Leona, Alberta CA.
  • 9 years ago

I just recently lost my 17 year old son in a car accident. Hie and his friend were out on a camping trip. They were picking up food before heading out to his friend's place. The car was said to have tire problems .
I'm not able to focus on my day without missing him fiercely.
They were awesome boys, over 700 attended their Funeral. The part that confuses me is that I had a still birth Feb 2, 1997 and I vowed to never have another baby. I was so depressed and then BANG, Dec 19, 1997 my son wiped out all sadness I held .
He definitely was given to us for a reason, I just thank God every day for him.

  • Mandy Hyde by Mandy Hyde, Kansas City, MO
  • 9 years ago

Hi Leona,

Your story is very similar to mine. I recently lost my 17 yr old son in a car wreck. He too was in the car with his best friend (17 as well) they departed this earthly life together on 12/12/15.

My son was to turn 18 on March 1st and graduating from high school on May 13th.

I'm having a really difficult time. It's been 20 days now. It's really comforting to know that the other mother and I have other mothers that are dealing with the exact same type of grief of losing not only our son, but his friend that was like a 2nd son. Sometimes it feels as if you're the only person in the world that's experiences something this traumatic.

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