STOP Suicide Poem

Dad Loses Daughter To Suicide Poem

I am a father who lost my daughter through suicide at the tender age of 15 in February 2007. I cherish the time that was given to me while she was with me. There was truly a magical spirit within her that made her unique, like all our children. I unfortunately know the pain this brings to a parent. I have a beautiful son who I devote all the time to. Don't let a chance go past without taking it.

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I love reading poems and most times I search for heart touching ones that how I got here I remember when I was so young maybe ten twelve or less I used to have lots of thoughts of suicide,...

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Happy 17


Published by Family Friend Poems October 2008 with permission of the Author.

Was on this day that your were born
A ray of sunshine that I adorned
From heaven above you were sent to us
Hand crafted and unique, one of a kind you were made

With big brown eyes and a gorgeous smile
Why couldn't you stay longer than a while
An aura you had that shown like a star
I search and look in the night sky you are

As quickly as you arrived
You had suddenly departed
Not right, not fair
For your life had only just started

So today a wish I make for you
One of love and happiness
Happy birthday to my girl so true
You'll always be in my heart and soul

Beautiful as a butterfly
Your spirit set free
Wishing I could be near you
To hold you close to me

Happy birthday my sweetheart
Forever loved


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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Cyndi by Cyndi, Nigeria
  • 13 years ago

I love reading poems and most times I search for heart touching ones that how I got here
I remember when I was so young maybe ten twelve or less I used to have lots of thoughts of suicide, my dad didn't show me the love I craved and I just didn't understand my mom.
but I was introduced to God early and I found out no one can love you the way your creator can, I am so glad today I didn't commit suicide and am married with three kids
This poem is just so beautiful and real and I cant imagine what you passed through... so sad....

  • Aussie by Aussie, Oregon
  • 13 years ago

Reading your poem makes me think of my best friends dad. My best friend was barely 16 when she ended her life. I want to cry just thinking about her. She was amazing, as I'm sure your daughter was as well. Having a child of my own...I don't know how I would be able to be as strong as you are if anything happened. God bless you. I pray you and your daughter see each other again.

  • Dezzy by Dezzy, Texas
  • 13 years ago

This poem made me change my mind and god bless you and hope that one day you may see your daughter again

  • Jagbak by Jagbak, Swe
  • 13 years ago

First poem ever that made me cry. Christ, I can barely see the screen.
My best friend, well she was more like a sister, ended her life in January 2005, three months before her 14th birthday. Changed my whole life. Now I'm stuck with depression myself, and I've still not talked about her, this is kind of the first time. Feels so strange to be older than she'll ever be; she's supposed to be 20 now, can't believe it, and I just turned 18 last week.
I'm glad you're staying strong, I know it's not easy and I know it has changed every little aspect of life, at least it has for me.
May all beautiful angels rest in peace.

  • Dar by Dar
  • 13 years ago

I feel your year three months and three days ago I lost my girlfriend to suicide, and a mere three days ago my cousin, best friend, and role model ended his life. It's not fair, and you can only wish there was something you could have said or done. Thoughts and prayers my friend

  • Katie by Katie, Ohio
  • 13 years ago

This makes me cry..
I wonder all the time if my dad cares about me.. I'm only 16 and my dad recently left and cheated on my mom and just abandoned us.. I don't understand why. I feel like its my fault that he left. What's wrong with me that you don't want to stay? I'll never understand how someone could do that to his daughter, seeing that you care so much for yours.. I am truly sorry this happened to you and your family, she sounded like such a sweet girl<3

  • Kasey by Kasey
  • 14 years ago

I was thinking about leaving my family and friends but now I have thought about it and its not worth hurting them more. I'm very sorry for your lose I hope you can join her one day in the future

  • Jessie by Jessie, Quebec
  • 14 years ago

My heart goes out to you and your family. That was a beautiful poem. I lost my dad to suicide a year ago today and it's harder now than it was last year. I miss him so much.

  • Janey by Janey
  • 15 years ago

This poem made me stop being suicidal. I'm so sorry.

  • anniebellie duavo by anniebellie duavo
  • 16 years ago

my heart goes out to you,
the pain you must feel is extreme.
I can only pray that you will one day see your daughter again.
and maybe you will.
God bless you.

  • Janek by Janek
  • 16 years ago

I'm a grown man and I just cried.. This is just not right

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