Abuse Poem

Reclaiming My Life Poem

This powerful poem delves into the heart-wrenching journey of leaving an abusive relationship. It serves as a beacon of strength and courage for those who have found themselves trapped in toxic dynamics. Through heartfelt verses, the poem explores the process of breaking free, finding inner resolve, and embracing a brighter future. With profound insight and emotional depth, it sheds light on the struggles, the resilience, and the transformative power of choosing to leave an abusive relationship.

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Thank you- I am finally away from the abusive relationship I was stuck in. He was charged formally by the state and took a plea deal for the two misdemeanors when he held me against my will...

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Courage To Leave Abusive Relationship


Published by Family Friend Poems November 2007 with permission of the Author.

From the depths of despair when my world fell apart,
I felt all alone and heavy in heart.
My life had been shattered by a tight-fisted hand.
Who could I turn to; who'd understand?
So with no self-esteem and in a broken mess,
I made a decision about my happiness.
I took all my courage I could find
To make a stand for myself and leave him behind.
Those first few months were the loneliest I've been,
But I knew it was worth it not to be hit again.
Again in finding myself, I cried a river of tears,
Learning to love me and facing my fears.

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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Noah Sanchez by Noah Sanchez, Amarillo, Texas
  • 3 years ago

I've heard so many stories from women who've been in abusive relationships. But my question is why do they keep going back? I was in a relationship with a woman who had an abusive ex-husband. We dated for a year and a half. Until one day she wanted out of our relationship because she said to me that I was way too good for her, and she couldn't handle it. I was confused because I was treating her with kindness and respecting her as a woman. Needless to, say she left me to go back to her ex.

Well, a couple of months passed, and he started beating her again. He beat her so badly that I'm surprised she made it out alive. Well, he was placed in jail and she had moved on elsewhere. But there is one thing that I question...no matter how good or kind I treat a lady, I always end up a friend, never the boyfriend. My mother raised me on how to treat a lady and til this day I will never enter a married woman's home unless the husband is present.

  • Susieque63 by Susieque63, Kamloops B.C Canada
  • 7 months ago

I believe that more often than not, nice guys finish last. You will find someone who loves themselves enough to believe they deserve your kind of love. The kind that we should all experience. Being treated with respect and kindness is what every woman deserves , even if they don't know it yet. Keep on being you and keep loving the way you do. Your special someone will come one day. Don't change how you love because the nice guys deserve the best and the same kind of love in return.

  • Alyssa by Alyssa
  • 4 years ago

I can relate to your story. I met a guy when I was 25-27 years old. In the beginning, everything was great. Then his true colors showed. He would yell at me and tell me I’m worthless, that no man wanted to put up with me. He would tell me that my oldest daughter was better off without me. I got addicted to pain pills because that was my only escape. I wasn’t allowed to see my oldest. He would tell me that my family didn’t want me, that they didn’t like me. Then my youngest was born and my mom didn’t come, and I was upset by it, and he would tell me that my mom was a whore and that I was going to be like her. He would rape me, and he would make me have sex with other people. On October 10, 2016, I got a call that my grandfather passed away. He told me that if I left, he would get my kids taken away from me and that I was a lousy mother. In late November, I had enough courage to leave him with the help of my family. Now my younger daughter is going to be 4, and he hasn’t seen her or asked about it.

  • Alyssa by Alyssa
  • 4 years ago

I admire your courage to post what you have. I have such a long history of attracting or being attracted, subconsciously, to abusive men. I had my entire life planned out and a contract with Wilhelmina to fly to Milan, Italy, when I turned 18. I had never dealt with abuse of any kind other than an alcoholic mother who took care of me financially not emotionally. I raised myself while worrying about in what state of mind she was or whether she could drive me home from school or other activities. I had a functional alcoholic father who even at the tender age of 6, began just dropping me off at home while my drunk mom was passed out on the floor. I met my ex-husband when I was 18, came to Orlando with him hoping to ride things out until my flight and accommodations were set. I became pregnant within a month and we married, as things began to change. He abused me in front of our children, even ruptured my placenta during my pregnancy with my daughter.

  • Hurt Soul by Hurt Soul
  • 5 years ago

Ever met a man you felt would love you forever? “Baby, I won't do it again. I promise. NEVER.” Most of us have fallen for these words, never for the action. Not even weeks later you see yourself catching a smacking. He is fine, sweet to and around others. The whole family loves him, even your mother. But what they don't know is what we do not tell. We hide in the house when our skin has a swell, one slap, two knots. When will this stop? Scared to say anything wrong because you might get dropped. Get up, get out, get away from this man ‘cause baby you’re worth more than what he makes you feel. You're a queen, you're a star. Shine bright. You'll go far.

  • Alyssa by Alyssa
  • 3 years ago

Thank you-
I am finally away from the abusive relationship I was stuck in. He was charged formally by the state and took a plea deal for the two misdemeanors when he held me against my will at his new place last September. The felony of Kidnapping/False Imprisonment was dropped after many discussions with the state so it saved me from more months of it being drug out. Or having to testify. He has finally left me alone due to a court order and ankle monitor keeping him 1500 feet from myself and my children. Also a 3 year civil injunction. I have found that I still attract abusive types, even females. After being conned out of over $3,000, I rid my life of her. A con artist. I am staying alone now. I am aware of my choices and subconscious attraction and will seek counseling when I can afford it.

  • Illianna Pettway by Illianna Pettway
  • 5 years ago

I can't leave. I have no one. He loves me. Suck it up. These are the things I would tell myself. I used to have so much confidence, so much go. I met him and it was instant love. The first 4 years I wasn't my best. I was spoiled my whole life and I brought that into my relationship. Time passed I'm in a town with only his friends and family. He beats me and blames me. You're pathetic. You're worthless. I'll kill you was a everyday notion, not one I'm sorry. I'm still here crying because I feel I turned him into this monster and I am holding onto the memory of him.

  • Broken2pieces by Broken2pieces
  • 5 years ago

I can relate so much to what you posted. I use to be so loving and sweet but now I'm unhappy, depressed and bitter from being with a man that claims I mean the world but treats me like an enemy. There's no reasoning with him. And I have no family.

  • Mary by Mary, Reservior
  • 11 years ago

He was the only one that ever made me happy, yet he was the one who tore my whole life apart. I was the happiest I had ever been in the first two months of out relationship. I even told him why my mother passed away when I was 12, which is a story only about 3 people know. At about the three month mark he started to blame me for things that had gone wrong even if they had absolutely nothing to do with me and he would threaten to kill himself right in front of me. I would do everything in my power of course to keep that from happening, like any good girlfriend should do. He had done this about 7 times during our relationship and had even put a knife to my throat and threatened to kill me with him so we would die together. Even now I still miss and love him. It's been about a year now but I know that if I didn't leave then it would be my name on the grave stone... not his!

  • Jasmine by Jasmine
  • 13 years ago

I fell in love with a guy when I was 16...he was 17....I just knew in my heart that this was the guy I wanted to spend the rest of my life with. I gave him everything I had to offer mind, body, and soul...the first 2 months was amazing I felt like things could not get any better...he made me smile all the time...he made my knee's shake when he looked at me...and when he would look me in the eyes smile and say baby I love you I felt that it was true...I never thought he would do ANYTHING to harm me in any way...and then he started to change! He began to call me horrible names, saying things to me that no one should ever say. He got upset one day over something so petty and I tried comforting him you know like a girlfriend is SUPPOSE to do and he turned on me and hit me in my face and then began to drag me by my hair and slam me to the floor...I should have left him then but I was young and in love...I thought ok he said he was sorry and that it would NEVER happen again...but needless to say it did...then I became pregnant by him and he dragged me across his bedroom floor when I was 8 months and threatened to kill me and leave me in the woods....but I have a beautiful 2 month old son and I love him with all my heart I will never put myself in a situation like this ever again!

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