Abuse Poem

Poem About How Abuse Feels On The Inside

I am 15. I have been raped from when I was 5 years old to the day I turned 14 by my grandfather. I have been working on making my victim impact statement for court, and when I had to describe what this rape felt like.. all I could think of was murder. So this poem is a comparison between rape and murder. And in a way, he did murder me. He ruined the real me. The old me. The me that wasn't shy, that didn't have anxiety, was always happy... but now she is gone and nobody knew for years.

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I feel like you've put everything that i have been feeling into words. I have been struggling to express what the abuse I endured from my ex felt like, and your poem has done that for me....

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The Unknown Murder


Published by Family Friend Poems October 2018 with permission of the Author.

There once was a murder,
But this one has a twist.
The victim was my innocence,
Stolen through his fist.

It wasn't a normal crime scene,
There was no blood or gore.
Because this one was my body,
While I layed down on the floor.

The only evidence left,
Were his fingerprints on my soul.
I tried to scrub them off,
But he ruined me as a whole.

There were no witnesses,
Besides my two very own eyes.
But they never really saw that well,
They couldn't even see through his lies.

Just like most murders,
There were many tears shed.
Though they weren't from my family,
But from me instead.

He didn't leave any clues,
There was not a single trace.
Except for the memories inside me,
Which I can never erase.

The police never found my body,
Because it's still around.
I'm a prisoner in my own skin,
I'm lost and can't be found.

There was only one weapon,
It was an extension of him.
And as he attacked me with it,
My heart became so grim.

This wasn't a normal murder,
Oh, why can't they see?
The girl inside my body,
Is no longer me.

There never was a funeral,
Because no one knew I died.
I guess that's just what happens,
When you keep it all inside.

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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Katleho Mosia by Katleho Mosia
  • 2 years ago

I feel like you've put everything that i have been feeling into words. I have been struggling to express what the abuse I endured from my ex felt like, and your poem has done that for me. Thank you for writing this beautiful poem. I have also been trying to express my pain through art and use that as my therapy.

  • America P.G. by America P.G.
  • 4 years ago

I understand exactly what you mean because I, too, am not the same after being molested by my 15-year-old cousin. I will never be the same, and it hurts to say, but I, too, am not sure if anyone cares. But you don't have to be alone because there are plenty of girls out there who will support you through the rough times.

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