Prison Poem

Reflecting In Prison

Within the walls of prison, there is plenty of time to think of how things could have been different.

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Mommy's away. It's been 4 years since I've seen you or even touched you. I miss you, but at the same time I'm scared to see you for fear that I'll get attached and know deep down Mommy didn't...

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Thinking About Mother


Published by Family Friend Poems July 2006 with permission of the Author.

Within these walls this prison
My mind and thoughts run free.
I think of mom and days gone by
And of what she meant to me.
I wonder how life would have been
Had she not gone away
And would I be behind these bars
If she were here today
How would my life be different?
I've asked a million times
If I could only talk to her
She might have stopped my crimes.
I'm thankful for the time we had
But she could not have known
Of the dark void left within my life
In the years since she's been gone.
I needed her and miss her.
I love her for a fact
But I know my life is different
And I know I can't turn back.


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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Nicole M Hunter by Nicole M Hunter
  • 7 years ago

Mommy's away. It's been 4 years since I've seen you or even touched you. I miss you, but at the same time I'm scared to see you for fear that I'll get attached and know deep down Mommy didn't change. You missed my most important birthday. I finally turned 18. Now to know I'll be 19 but Mommy's been away. When I think about you sometimes it's the good, but most of the time it's the bad. When I was little you didn't treat me like your daughter. I was you best friend. I remember the first time I touched a cigar, put it to my lips and you guided me. Or when I touched a beer. Mommy, I was only 11. How about when I had home pass from the foster home and you shot up on Thanksgiving. I'll never forget. My eyes were exposed. I can't say I forgive you, but now I see where I came from. My childhood was taken from me. I have pain and depression I battle every day, but one day I'll be stronger than it. That's because of God!

  • Dorothy by Dorothy, Batesville Indiana
  • 10 years ago

I have a son who has been in jail for 18 months and is going to prison soon for 6 more months. I miss him more then I can ever explain. He stole a credit card and charged 280 dollars why he done this I still don't know. But I feel he has done his time. But there is nothing I can do. God help him stay safe and to be a brave young man he is only 21, still a child to me how do I get through this I've prayed to god to take me and let him come home.

  • Marlene Cassidy by Marlene Cassidy
  • 11 years ago

My son Joe, is in jail. He's 31. He's only been there for 4 months, but sometimes it feels like an eternity. I went to see him 4 days ago and they told me "your son is in lock-up" I SAID "what for" they said "I can't tell you that". Then they said "don't worry he's fine". What the hell is that supposed to mean! So today, I call to see if I can go to see him today, it's been 4 days. And again they say "No, he does NOT have a visit today". What is going on, they CANNOT AND WILL NOT tell me anything. They said someone will call me tomorrow...more waiting. I know it is NOT easy for anyone that is in jail, but it is also SO hard for a mother, a sister. There is only one thing that helps me get through this entire thing, that is GOD !!!! No-one can snatch my son out of HIS HAND and HE will contend with those that contend with me and HE WILL SAVE MY CHILDREN !!!! I pray for all the people that have loved ones in jail. GOD bless you all.

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